1.重庆大学 物理学院, 重庆 400044
2.重庆京东方光电科技有限公司, 重庆 400700
3.北京京东方显示技术有限公司, 北京 100176
Received:22 March 2023,
Revised:20 April 2023,
Published:05 August 2023
LIU Dan, HUANG Zhong-hao, HUANG Sheng, et al. Loading effect and solutions in gate etching process for TFT[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(8): 1054-1061.
LIU Dan, HUANG Zhong-hao, HUANG Sheng, et al. Loading effect and solutions in gate etching process for TFT[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(8): 1054-1061. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0105.
在薄膜晶体管(Thin film transistor,TFT)的栅极(Gate)刻蚀制程中,显示区(AA区)和引线区(Fanout区)因布线密度差异而存在刻蚀负载效应,两区域刻蚀程度差异大,刻蚀时间难以确定。抑制栅极刻蚀制程中的刻蚀负载效应,对品质确保具有积极意义。本文分析了湿法刻蚀微观过程,提出增加刻蚀液喷淋流量抑制刻蚀负载效应的方案。将增加喷淋流量的方案转化为调节3个刻蚀腔室(Etch1~Etch3)的刻蚀时间比例。在总刻蚀时间不变的前提下,进行3腔室不同时间比例的刻蚀验证,并对刻蚀结果进行聚类分析。最后,优选出抑制刻蚀负载效应的时间比例,并结合神经网络分析,对结果进行解析。实验结果表明,降低Etch3时间比例,增加Etch2时间比例,刻蚀负载效应可以被抑制。Etch1~Etch3的时间比例由33.33%∶33.33%∶33.33%调整为10%∶80%∶10%,AA区和fanout区刻蚀程度差异由0.575 μm下降为0.317 μm。通过调节3个刻蚀区间的时间比例,可以抑制刻蚀负载效应,缓解不同区域刻蚀程度差异,满足TFT量产需求。
In the gate etching process of thin film transistor (TFT), there is a loading effect in the active area (AA area) and fanout area due to the difference in layout density. The etching time is difficult to determine because of the large difference in the etching degree between the two areas. It is urgent to suppress the loading effect in the Gate etching process for quality assurance. The wet etching microprocess was analyzed, and a scheme to increase the etchant spray flow rate to suppress the etch loading effect was proposed. The scheme of increasing flow rate was translated into the adjustment of the etching time ratio of the 3 etching chambers (Etch1~Etch3). The verification of etching with different time ratios of the 3 chambers was performed with the total etching time unchanged, and the etching results were clustered and analyzed. Finally, the time ratio that suppresses the loading effect is preferably selected and the results are analyzed in conjunction with neural network. The results show that the loading effect can be suppressed by decreasing the Etch3 time ratio and increasing the Etch2 time ratio. The time ratio of Etch1~Etch3 is adjusted from 33.33%∶33.33%∶33.33% to 10%∶80%∶10%, and the difference of etching degree between AA and fanout area is decreased from 0.575 μm to 0.317 μm. By adjusting the time ratio among the three etching zones, the etching loading effect can be suppressed to alleviate the difference in etching degree in different areas to meet the TFT mass production requirements.
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