1.联想集团 神奇工场通讯技术有限公司, 北京 100089
2.北京工商大学 计算机与人工智能学院, 北京 100048
3.北京工商大学 中国轻工业工业互联网与大数据重点实验室, 北京 100048
Received:09 January 2023,
Revised:15 February 2023,
Published:05 November 2023
ZHANG Xin, QIAO Ji-hong, ZHANG Hui-yan, et al. Color evaluation of color image based on color space[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(11): 1490-1502.
ZHANG Xin, QIAO Ji-hong, ZHANG Hui-yan, et al. Color evaluation of color image based on color space[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(11): 1490-1502. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0007.
基于手机成像质量颜色评价的必要性,提出一种融合相机主观场景成像色彩和白平衡的自动评测方法(CIQA),以充分提取彩色图像相关特征并模拟人眼视觉感知特性来评价图像颜色。首先使用尺度不变特征变换(Scale-invariant feature transform, SIFT)与透射变换相结合的方法,标识主观图像中ColorChecker标准二十四色卡对应的位置;而后构建离差率最小二乘法模型,并采用专家赋权法和熵权法计算色彩还原和白平衡指标权重分配比例;最后,通过多指标权重值对TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution)进行改进,确定各方案与典型正负理想方案的接近程度,实现对智能手机成像质量颜色的优劣排序。对真实场景采集的图片进行实验,并与现有的两种决策方法进行对比验证。结果表明,所提方法能提高评价效率、节省人力,并可以获得与人眼主观判断一致性较好的评价结果。
In order to fully extract relevant features of color images and evaluate image color by simulating visual perception characteristics of human eye, an automatic evaluation method for camera subjective scene imaging color and white balance (CIQA for short) is proposed. Firstly, the corresponding position of ColorChecker standard twenty-four color cards in subjective image is identified, based on the combination of SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) and transmission transform,the corresponding position of ColorChecker standard twenty-four color cards in subjective image is identified. Aimed at constructing the deviation least square method model to calculate the weight distribution proportion of color restoration and white balance indicators,the expert grading method and entropy weight method are applied. The proximity between the schemes and positive and negative ideal schemes is calculated by optimized TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) method dependent upon multi attribute weights to realize ranking of the smartphones. Experiments are carried out on the pictures collected in real scenes in comparison with the two existing decision-making methods. The results show that the proposed method can improve evaluation efficiency and save manpower, which can obtain evaluation results that are consistent with subjective judgment of human eye.
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