1.中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所, 吉林 长春 130033
2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3.中国科学院大学 材料与光电研究中心, 北京 100049
4.航天系统部 装备部 装备项目管理中心, 北京 100094
5.长光禹辰信息技术与装备(青岛)有限公司, 山东 青岛 266000
Received:09 February 2023,
Revised:14 March 2023,
Published:05 December 2023
LI Zuo-en, JU Xue-ping, HU Chun-hui, et al. Analysis and optimization of polarization effect of telescope group of channel polarization spectrometer[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1728-1735.
LI Zuo-en, JU Xue-ping, HU Chun-hui, et al. Analysis and optimization of polarization effect of telescope group of channel polarization spectrometer[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1728-1735. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0049.
为了满足高精度偏振探测要求,通道型偏振光谱仪在设计时需要考虑望远镜组偏振效应的影响,并对其进行相应的分析和优化。首先,分析望远镜组偏振效应的影响因素,采用坐标变换和穆勒矩阵连乘法建立了考虑膜系偏振效应的望远镜组穆勒矩阵模型,并带入通道型偏振光谱仪偏振解调模型。接着,通过同时控制S光和P光的透过率和相位延迟,设计相应的低偏振效应膜系。最后,运用偏振光线追迹的方法对镀有不同膜系的望远镜组进行偏振效应仿真。仿真结果表明,在580 nm和750 nm波长处,低偏振效应膜系与高偏振效应膜系的偏振探测精度变化不明显。而在420 nm波长处,低偏振效应膜系相较于常用膜系的边缘视场偏振探测精度提高了3.22%。低偏振效应膜系可以有效降低通道型偏振光谱仪望远镜组偏振效应,提高仪器的偏振探测精度。
In order to meet the requirements of high-precision polarization detection, the influence of the polarization effect of the telescope group needs to be considered in the design of the channel-type polarization spectrometer, and the corresponding analysis and optimization should be carried out. First, the influencing factors of the polarization effect of the telescope group are analyzed, and the Mueller matrix model of the telescope group considering the polarization effect of the film system is established by using coordinate transformation and Mueller matrix multiplication method, which is brought into the polarization demodulation model of the channel polarimeter. Next, by simultaneously controlling the transmittance and phase retardation of S light and P light, a corresponding film system with low polarization effect is designed. Finally, the polarization effect simulation of the telescope group coated with different film systems is carried out by using the method of polarization ray tracing. The simulation results show that at the wavelengths of 580 nm and 750 nm, the polarization detection accuracy of the film system with low polarization effect and the film system with high polarization effect does not change significantly. At the wavelength of 420 nm, the polarization detection accuracy of the edge field of view of the low polarization effect film system is 3.22% higher than that of the common film system. The low polarization effect film system effectively reduces the polarization effect of the telescope group of the channel-type polarization spectrometer and improves the polarization detection accuracy of the instrument.
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