1.贵州大学 大数据与信息工程学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025
2.贵阳铝镁设计研究院有限公司, 贵州 贵阳 550009
[ "蒋诗怡(1998—),女,贵州镇远人,硕士研究生,2021年于南京师范大学获得学士学位,主要从事计算机图像处理中图像分割、深度学习方面的研究。E-mail:jiangsy1998jy@163.com" ]
[ "徐杨(1980—),男,贵州贵阳人,博士,副教授,2008年于中国科学院近代物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事数据采集、机器学习方面的研究。E-mail:xuy@gzu.edu.cn" ]
蒋诗怡, 徐杨, 李丹杨, 等. FRKDNet:基于知识蒸馏的特征提炼语义分割网络[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(11):1590-1599.
JIANG Shi-yi, XU Yang, LI Dan-yang, et al. FRKDNet: feature refine semantic segmentation network based on knowledge distillation[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(11): 1590-1599.
蒋诗怡, 徐杨, 李丹杨, 等. FRKDNet:基于知识蒸馏的特征提炼语义分割网络[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(11):1590-1599. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0010.
JIANG Shi-yi, XU Yang, LI Dan-yang, et al. FRKDNet: feature refine semantic segmentation network based on knowledge distillation[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(11): 1590-1599. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0010.
传统的语义分割知识蒸馏方法仍然存在知识蒸馏不完全、特征信息传递不显著等问题,且教师网络传递的知识情况复杂,容易丢失特征的位置信息。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种基于知识蒸馏的特征提炼语义分割模型FRKDNet。首先根据前景特征与背景噪声的特点,设计了一种特征提炼方法来将蒸馏知识中的前景内容进行分离,过滤掉教师网络的伪知识后将更准确的特征内容传递给学生网络,从而提高特征的表现能力。同时,在特征空间的隐式编码中提取类间距离与类内距离从而得到相应的特征坐标掩码,学生网络通过模拟特征位置信息来最小化与教师网络特征位置的差距,并分别和学生网络进行蒸馏损失计算,从而提高学生网络的分割精度,辅助学生网络更快地收敛。最后在公开数据集Pascal VOC和Cityscapes上实现了优秀的分割性能,MIoU分别达到74.19%和76.53%,比原始学生网络分别提高了2.04%和4.48%。本文方法相比于主流方法具有更好的分割性能和鲁棒性,为语义分割知识蒸馏提供了一种新方法。
The traditional semantic segmentation knowledge distillation schemes still have problems such as incomplete distillation and insignificant feature information transmission which affect the performance of network, and the complex situation of knowledge transferred by teachers' network which makes it easy to lose the location information of feature. To solve these problems, this paper presents feature refine semantic segmentation network based on knowledge distillation. Firstly, a feature extraction method is designed to separate the foreground content and background noise in the distilled knowledge, and the pseudo knowledge of the teacher network is filtered out to pass more accurate feature content to the student network, so as to improve the performance of the feature. At the same time, the inter-class distance and intra-class distance are extracted in the implicit encoding of the feature space to obtain the corresponding feature coordinate mask. Then, the student network minimizes the output of the feature location with the teacher network by simulating the feature location information, and calculates the distillation loss with the student network respectively, so as to improve the segmentation accuracy of the student network and assist the student network to converge faster. Finally, excellent segmentation performance is achieved on the public datasets Pascal VOC and Cityscapes, and the MIoU reaches 74.19% and 76.53% respectively, which is 2.04% and 4.48% higher than that of the original student network. Compared with the mainstream methods, the method in this paper has better segmentation performance and robustness, and provides a new method for semantic segmentation knowledge distillation.
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