1.贵州大学 大数据与信息工程学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025
[ "张吉友(1998—),男,贵州瓮安人,硕士研究生,2021年于上海海事大学获得学士学位,主要从事计算机视觉、多模态语义分割及目标跟踪方面的研究。E-mail:1916537869@qq.com" ]
[ "张荣芬(1977—),女,贵州贵阳人,博士,教授,2014年于贵州大学获得博士学位,主要从事机器视觉、智能算法及智能硬件的研究。E-mail:rfzhang@gzu.edu.cn" ]
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张吉友, 张荣芬, 刘宇红, 等. 基于注意力机制的多模态图像语义分割[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(7):975-984.
ZHANG Ji-you, ZHANG Rong-fen, LIU Yu-hong, et al. Multimodal image semantic segmentation based on attention mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2023,38(7):975-984.
张吉友, 张荣芬, 刘宇红, 等. 基于注意力机制的多模态图像语义分割[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(7):975-984. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0309.
ZHANG Ji-you, ZHANG Rong-fen, LIU Yu-hong, et al. Multimodal image semantic segmentation based on attention mechanism[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2023,38(7):975-984. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0309.
The training data of many current semantic segmentation models are RGB images, and the stability of the model is easily affected in some extreme environments. It cannot meet the actual demand of automatic driving at night. ResNet-152 is used as a feature extraction network to construct a multi-modal dual encoder-decoder model integrating lightweight attention module. The dual encoder extracts key information from the two modes of RGB-T and fuses it through the attention module. Then, the extracted feature information is sent to the decoder. The upsampled feature map and the feature map extracted by the encoder of each layer are spliced in stages, the feature is extracted by the convolution layer, the resolution is restored by upsampling, and the semantic segmentation is carried out at the last. The experimental results show that the mean accuracy and mean intersection over union of the proposed model on the MFNet test set are 76% and 55.7%, respectively, which makes a certain improvement compared with other network models. This model can basically achieve the requirement of accurate semantic segmentation of RGB-T modal images both day and night
night semantic segmentationmultimodallightweight attention modulemultiple scale information
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