Healthcare of display: from concept to technical demand
Display Technology|更新时间:2024-09-10
Healthcare of display: from concept to technical demand
“In the field of display technology, experts have delved into the concept of health display, analyzed technical requirements, and proposed improvement strategies to provide new ideas for solving visual health problems.”
Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and DisplaysVol. 39, Issue 9, Pages: 1192-1204(2024)
1.深圳创维-RGB电子有限公司 研究院, 广东 深圳 518108
2.北京航空航天大学 合肥创新研究院, 安徽 合肥 230012
3.北京胜为文化传播有限公司, 北京 100027
4.致晶科技(北京)有限公司, 北京 100190
5.深圳极地之光科技有限公司, 广东 深圳 518108
6.东莞凯嘉威光电有限公司, 广东 东莞 523703
7.中国电子视像行业协会, 北京 100040
8.中国标准化研究院, 北京 100191
9.TCL电子有限公司 研发中心, 广东 深圳 518000
Guangdong Province Key Fields Research and Development Plan Project(2020B0101030008);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52203321);the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant(2022M710289);Postdoctoral Research Funding Program of Hefei
ZOU Wencong, JING Yuyu, HAN Dengbao, et al. Healthcare of display: from concept to technical demand[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2024, 39(9): 1192-1204.
ZOU Wencong, JING Yuyu, HAN Dengbao, et al. Healthcare of display: from concept to technical demand[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2024, 39(9): 1192-1204. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0189.
Healthcare of display: from concept to technical demand