Semi-supervised tongue image segmentation method for traditional chinese medicine based on mutual learning with dual models
Image Segmentation|更新时间:2024-08-16
Semi-supervised tongue image segmentation method for traditional chinese medicine based on mutual learning with dual models
“In the field of traditional Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis, researchers have proposed a semi supervised tongue image segmentation method based on dual model mutual learning, which achieves high-precision segmentation through a small amount of labeled data, providing a new solution for the analysis of traditional Chinese medicine tongue images and the digitization of diagnosis and treatment.”
Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and DisplaysVol. 39, Issue 8, Pages: 1014-1023(2024)
1.武汉科技大学 信息科学与工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430081
2.武汉科技大学 医学院, 湖北 武汉 430065
3.中国地质大学(武汉)医院, 湖北 武汉 430074
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51805386);National Key R&D Program of China(3502300;3502302)
LI Fangxu, XU Wangming, XU Xue, et al. Semi-supervised tongue image segmentation method for traditional chinese medicine based on mutual learning with dual models[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2024, 39(8): 1014-1023.
LI Fangxu, XU Wangming, XU Xue, et al. Semi-supervised tongue image segmentation method for traditional chinese medicine based on mutual learning with dual models[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2024, 39(8): 1014-1023. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0308.
Semi-supervised tongue image segmentation method for traditional chinese medicine based on mutual learning with dual models