1.苏州科技大学 物理科学与技术学院 江苏省微纳热流技术与能源应用重点实验室, 江苏 苏州 215009
2.北京联合大学 数理部, 北京 100101
Received:09 October 2023,
Revised:24 October 2023,
Published:05 December 2023
XU Lei, LU Xin-yi, LI Jing-ni, et al. Three-dimensional display method of optical phase based on Hartmann wavefront sensor[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1681-1688.
XU Lei, LU Xin-yi, LI Jing-ni, et al. Three-dimensional display method of optical phase based on Hartmann wavefront sensor[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1681-1688. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0300.
相位是描述光波状态的重要参数,但却无法直接观察。本文基于哈特曼探测器的波前快速探测功能,研究了光波相位三维显示的方法,并研制出相位三维显示系统。首先,利用Zemax软件对系统的光源、准直透镜等光学参数进行优化设计;然后,基于模式法波前重构理论,根据探测的Zernike多项式离焦量和像散项系数,实现了对3个不同类型镜片的相位三维显示,并给出相应屈光度的测量方法;最后,实验验证了光波相位的三维显示和屈光度测量的有效性,-2.00 D的近视镜测量值为-2.07 D,1.00 D的远视镜测量值为0.91 D,0.50 D的散光镜测量值为0.56 D。实验结果表明,此系统能够较准确地测量屈光矫正镜的屈光度,并实现相位的三维显示。本文设计的基于哈特曼探测器的相位三维显示方法具有更好的环境适应能力,便于研究者直观观测光的相位分布。
Phase is an important parameter of light waves, but it cannot be directly observed. Based on the characteristics of Hartmann detectors that can detect wavefront rapidly, this paper studies the method of optical phase three-dimensional display and design an experimental system. Firstly,the parameters of optical system such as light sources and collimating lenses are optimized using Zemax software. Secondly, based on the modal method of wavefront reconstruction and Zernike polynomial defocusing and astigmatism coefficient, the method of the phase three-dimensional display is studied and the measuring instrument is developed. Three different lenses are measured with this instrument and realize the three-dimensional display, and the corresponding diopter measurement method is given. Finally, the experiment verifies the validity of three-dimensional display of light wave phase and diopter measurement, -2.00 D for a -2.07 D myopia lens, 0.91 D for a 1.00 D hyperopia lens, and 0.56 D for a 0.50 D astigmatism lens. The experimental results indicate that this system can approximately measure the diopter of the refractive correction lens and achieve three-dimensional display of the phase. The phase three-dimensional display instrument designed based on Hartmann detectors in this paper has better environmental adaptability and is convenient for researchers to visually observe the phase distribution of light.
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