云南师范大学 信息学院, 云南 昆明 650500
Received:28 February 2023,
Revised:31 March 2023,
Published:05 September 2023
YANG Ting, CHEN Zai-qing, ZHANG Zi-le, et al. Surface glossiness in stereoscopic displays: a review[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(9): 1185-1197.
YANG Ting, CHEN Zai-qing, ZHANG Zi-le, et al. Surface glossiness in stereoscopic displays: a review[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(9): 1185-1197. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0079.
With the maturity of stereoscopic display technology, image enhancement methods based on stereoscopic display have become a research hotspot. Human eye gloss perception is a unique visual feature that reflects the physical properties of object surfaces and is crucial to human cognitive activities. The study of binocular glossiness presentation and perception under the stereoscopic display is a powerful extension and supplement to the study of binocular vision, which can provide an application basis for stereoscopic display devices to reproduce a richer image appearance. This paper analyzed the phenomenological, theoretical, and influence cues of binocular gloss, summarized the current status of binocular gloss research under the stereoscopic display, and pointed out the problems of current binocular gloss perception research: the deep neural mechanism of gloss perception for target generation is still unclear; the exploration of cues influencing gloss perception remains on the surface of the phenomenon; the quantitative psychophysical experimental data for glossiness measurement and evaluation are yet to be expanded. In the future, the joint exploration of gloss perception and visual systems based on stereoscopic display technology may become a highly promising research hotspot. Since gloss perception is a psychological quantity and there is specificity in each person’s perception of it, we believe that more experiments on gloss perception need to be carefully designed to investigate the reproduction of gloss properties of target surfaces in stereoscopic displays to expand the underlying representation scenarios under stereoscopic displays.
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