1.辽宁工程技术大学 软件学院, 辽宁 葫芦岛 125105
2.辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院, 辽宁 阜新 123000
Received:06 February 2023,
Revised:13 March 2023,
Published:05 December 2023
LI Jian-dong, LI Jia-qi, QU Hai-cheng. Attention and cross-scale fusion for vehicle and pedestrian detection[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1707-1716.
LI Jian-dong, LI Jia-qi, QU Hai-cheng. Attention and cross-scale fusion for vehicle and pedestrian detection[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(12): 1707-1716. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0037.
针对道路交通中目标所处环境复杂,存在模型对关键特征提取不充分、目标定位准确率低的问题,选取SSD模型为基本框架展开了特征提取方式、关键信息增强和非局部性特征定位的研究。首先,为针对性地解决道路交通场景下目标多尺度的问题,提出跳跃式反向特征金字塔结构,生成更具判别力的特征;其次,为解决不同语义层次的信息对特征融合过程贡献度不同的问题,设计基于注意力机制的自适应特征融合模块,在通道层面非先验地增强关键特征表达能力;最后,引入十字交叉注意力模块,提升模型对目标的位置敏感度。实验结果表明,与原始SSD模型相比,在保证实时性的情况下,改进方法的精度均值在PASCAL VOC子数据集上提升了2.6%,在自制道路交通数据集上提升了3.9%。综合考量,改进算法可广泛适用于道路车辆与行人检测任务中。
Due to the complex environment of the target in road traffic, there exist the problems of the insufficient extraction of key features by the model and the low accuracy of target positioning. The SSD model is used as the basic framework in this paper, and research is conducted on feature extraction methods, key information enhancement, and non-local feature positioning. Firstly, in order to solve the multi-scale problem of targets in road traffic scenarios, a jumping reverse feature pyramid structure is proposed to generate more discriminant features. Secondly, in order to solve the problem that information at different semantic levels has different degrees of contribution to the feature fusion process, an adaptive feature fusion module based on attention mechanism is designed to enhance the key feature expression ability non-priori at the channel level. Finally, the cross-attention module is introduced to improve the position sensitivity of the model to the target. Experimental results indicate that compared with the original model of SSD, in guarantee under the condition of real-time, the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm is improved by 2.6% on PASCAL VOC sub-dataset and 3.9% on homemade road traffic dataset. Taking everything into account, the improved algorithm can be applied widely to the task of detecting vehicles and pedestrians on the road.
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