图1 基于储备池计算的小样本图像分类模型框架
Received:06 December 2022,
Revised:11 January 2023,
Published:05 October 2023
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Aiming at the problems that current few-shot learning algorithms are prone to overfitting and insufficient generalization ability for cross-domain cases, and inspired by the property that reservoir computing (RC) does not depend on training to alleviate overfitting, a few-shot image classification method based on reservoir computing (RCFIC) is proposed. The whole method consists of a feature extraction module, a feature enhancement module and a classifier module. The feature enhancement module consists of a RC module and an attention mechanism based on the RC, which performs channel-level enhancement and pixel-level enhancement of the features of the feature extraction module, respectively. Meanwhile, the joint cosine classifier drives the network to learn feature distributions with high inter-class variance and low intra-class variance properties. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm achieves at least 1.07% higher classification accuracy than the existing methods in Cifar-FS, FC100 and Mini-ImageNet datasets, and outperforms the second-best method in cross-domain scenes from Mini-ImageNet to CUB-200 by at least 1.77%. Meanwhile, the ablation experiments verify the effectiveness of RCFIC. The proposed method has great generalization ability and can effectively alleviate the overfitting problem in few-shot image classification and solve the cross-domain problem to a certain extent.
在解决小样本问题时需要关注两方面的问题:(1)更好地提取特征来指导分类;(2)缓解过拟合,提高模型泛化能力,如进行数据增强等操作。考虑到人脑是一种天然的小样本学习范式,引入类脑知识或许有助于走出小样本学习的困境,再结合过拟合问题,促使本文应用一种类脑模型——储备池计算(Reservoir Computing, RC)[
针对上述问题,本文提出一种基于储备池计算的小样本图像分类方法(Reservoir Computing Based Network for Few-shot Image Classification,RCFIC),将特征提取网络提取的特征输入特征增强模块(由储备池模块和基于储备池的注意力机制构成)分别进行通道级和像素级增强,然后进行特征融合得到增强特征。同时,在元学习阶段使用余弦相似度分类器,联合特征增强模块促使网络提取的特征分布具有高类间方差、低类内方差的特征,从而更好地指导分类。本文方法在公开常用的小样本图像分类数据集上的实验均达到了具有竞争力的分类精度,表明所提模型和方法具有较强的泛化能力,能够使网络学习更具判别性的特征,缓解过拟合问题,增强模型的性能。
小样本学习通常以元任务的方式进行训练和评估,每个元任务都以N-way K-shot方法获得,即每个元任务都包括
(1) |
(2) |
图1 基于储备池计算的小样本图像分类模型框架
Fig.1 Framework of few-shot image classification model based on reservoir computing
图2 基于储备池计算的训练方法流程图
Fig.2 Flowchart of the training method based on RC
(3) |
2.5.1 半全连接的储备池内部拓扑结构
(4) |
(5) |
2.5.2 储备池模块
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
储备池后接一个残差模块,残差模块内含一个批归一化层(Batch Normalization, BN)和前馈层(Feed-Forward, FF)以增加网络信息流通能力,防止网络退化。储备池通道级特征增强模块的输出
(9) |
2.5.3 基于储备池的注意力机制模块
(10) |
(11) |
(12) |
(13) |
(14) |
Cifar-FS和FC100均源自Cifar 100数据集。前者共包含100个类,每类有600张32
CUB-200是细粒度图像数据集,共包含200种鸟类的11 788张84
实验配置为GTX2080Ti显卡、Linux操作系统、PyTorch深度学习框架。实验在小样本任务阶段通过5-way 1-shot和5-way 5-shot方式采样任务,最终准确率是1 500个元任务的平均分类精度。
3.2.1 小样本图像分类
方法 | 骨干网络/Attn | Cifar-FS | FC100 | ||
5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot | ||
Cp.Nets[ | ResNet-12/No |
75.40 |
86.80 |
43.80 |
59.70 |
TPMN[ | ResNet-12/No |
75.50 |
87.20 |
46.93 |
63.26 |
RFS-distill[ | ResNet-12/No |
73.90 |
86.90 |
44.60 |
60.90 |
MetaOptNet[ | ResNet-12/No |
72.60 |
84.30 |
41.10 |
55.50 |
MetaQAD[ | WRN-28-10/No |
75.83 |
88.79 | - | - |
Centroid[ | ResNet-18/No | - | - |
45.83 |
59.74 |
STANet[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
74.89 |
88.23 |
46.27 |
62.89 |
Main[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
74.36 |
84.13 |
44.54 |
58.09 |
Cro-Attention[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
75.33 |
87.94 |
45.78 |
62.78 |
RCFIC | ResNet-12 |
77.23 |
88.91 |
48.14 |
64.27 |
RCFIC | ResNet-18 |
79.44 |
89.86 |
50.49 |
66.52 |
注: Attn表示是否使用了注意力机制;*表示复现结果
方法 | 骨干网络/Attn | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot |
DMF[ | ResNet-12/No |
67.76 |
82.71 |
IEPT[ | ResNet-12/No |
67.05 |
82.90 |
CTM[ | ResNet-18/No |
64.12 |
80.51 |
S2M2[ | ResNet-18/No |
64.06 |
80.58 |
STANet[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
58.35 |
71.07 |
Main[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
64.27 |
81.24 |
Cro-Attention[ | ResNet-12/Yes |
67.19 |
80.64 |
RCFIC | ResNet-12 |
67.95 |
83.15 |
RCFIC | ResNet-18 |
69.87 |
84.45 |
注: Attn表示是否使用了注意力机制
在Cifar-FS数据集上,5-way 1-shot和5-way 5-shot设置下的最优精度均是在以ResNet-18为特征提取网络时取得,分别为79.44%和89.86%,分别比次优网络MetaQAD高3.61%和1.07%。
在FC100数据集上,5-way 1-shot和5-way 5-shot设置下的最优精度均是在以ResNet-18为特征提取网路时取得,分别为50.49%和66.52%,分别比次优网络TPMN高3.56%和3.26%。
在Mini-ImageNet数据集上,在5-way 1-shot设置下,所提方法在ResNet-18特征提取网络下的分类准确率达到了69.87%,比次优方法DMF提高了2.11%;5-way 5-shot设置下的最高精度为84.45%,比次优方法IEPT提高了1.55%。
3.2.2 领域迁移
方法 | 骨干网络 | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot |
LFWT[ | ResNet-10 |
47.47 |
66.98 |
LRP[ | ResNet-12 |
46.23 |
66.58 |
S-Shot[ | ResNet-18 |
46.68 |
65.56 |
RCFIC | ResNet-12 |
48.15 |
67.66 |
RCFIC | ResNet-18 |
49.24 |
69.07 |
注: Mini-ImageNet迁移到CUB-200
3.3.1 特征增强模块的影响
所提方法的特征增强模块由储存池模块和基于储存池的注意力机制模块组成。为了探究所提模块的必要性以及对结果产生的影响,以ResNet-18为特征提取网络在Cifar-FS数据集上进行了不使用特征增强模块(No Enhancement,NE)、只使用储备池模块(Only Reservoir,OR)和只使用基于储备池的注意力机制模块(Only Attention,OA)的消融实验。
NA | OR | OA | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot |
- | - | - |
73.43 |
84.34 |
- | √ | - |
76.61 |
87.33 |
- | - | √ |
78.66 |
87.62 |
- | √ | √ |
79.44 |
89.86 |
3.3.2 不同注意力机制生成方式的影响
线性变换 | 卷积 | 储备池 | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot |
- | - | - |
60.97 |
79.23 |
√ | - | - |
65.27 |
82.33 |
- | √ | - |
63.75 |
81.62 |
- | - | √ |
69.87 |
84.45 |
3.3.3 特征分布可视化
在Cifar-FS数据集上,以ResNet-18为特征提取网络对查询集的特征进行提取(q=30,共5×30张查询图像)。以不同的注意力机制进行增强后,采用t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(t-SNE)[
图3 不同方式生成注意力机制对特征进行增强后的特征分布
Fig.3 Feature distributions after the enhancement by attention mechanisms generated in different ways
3.3.4 可学习标量参数的影响
5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot | ||
- | - |
77.12 |
87.37 |
√ | √ |
79.44 |
89.86 |
图4 不同的
Fig.4 Effect of different initial values of
3.3.5 不同储备池内部拓扑结构的影响
拓扑结构 | 骨干网络 | 5-way 1-shot | 5-way 5-shot |
Random | ResNet-18 |
67.16 |
80.57 |
Delay line | ResNet-18 |
65.33 |
78.95 |
Cyclic | ResNet-18 |
66.97 |
78.52 |
Wigner | ResNet-18 |
68.44 |
81.38 |
RCFIC | ResNet-18 |
69.87 |
84.45 |
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