1.贵州财经大学 信息学院,贵州 贵阳550025
2.北京云迹科技股份有限公司 智能中台,北京 100089
Received:11 October 2022,
Revised:25 October 2022,
Published:05 August 2023
LIU Kuan, WANG Wei, SHEN Hong-ting, et al. Behavior recognition based on time-dependent attention[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(8): 1095-1106.
LIU Kuan, WANG Wei, SHEN Hong-ting, et al. Behavior recognition based on time-dependent attention[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(8): 1095-1106. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0330.
Aiming at the problems of low behavior discrimination ability and misjudgment caused by different change speeds of actors and action states and the lack of correlation research between actions in action recognition tasks, a temporal correlation attention mechanism model based on SlowFast architecture was proposed. Firstly, the optical flow was abandoned and the video data was directly used as the network input, so that the model could be trained end-to-end. Secondly, a temporal correlation attention mechanism composed of correlation attention and temporal attention was defined. The correlation attention mechanism was used to extract the correlation information between actions, and then the information was input into the temporal attention mechanism to suppress useless features. Finally, to solve the problem of the loss of correlation between features caused by the large step size of the convolution kernel in the path fusion process of SlowFast, a more effective continuous convolution operation was proposed. Experimental results on UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets show that the proposed method has advantages in accuracy and robustness compared with the existing methods.
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