1.武汉科技大学 信息科学与工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430081
2.武汉科技大学 教育部冶金自动化与检测技术工程研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430081
Received:05 October 2022,
Revised:24 October 2022,
Published:05 July 2023
WANG Ming-he, XU Wang-ming, JIANG Hao-kun. Improved lightweight human pose estimation algorithm[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(7): 955-963.
WANG Ming-he, XU Wang-ming, JIANG Hao-kun. Improved lightweight human pose estimation algorithm[J]. Chinese journal of liquid crystals and displays, 2023, 38(7): 955-963. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0323.
现有的多数人体姿态估计算法通过设计复杂的网络结构以获得高精度而导致速度较低。YOLO-Pose人体姿态估计算法吸收了先进目标检测算法的优点同时获得了较高的精度和速度,然而仍然存在漏检和误检问题。本文对YOLO-Pose算法进一步改进,针对人体姿态非刚性和人体关键点分布多样性的特点提出一种新的轻量级人体姿态检测算法。首先,设计了轻量级通道和空间注意力网络LCSA-Net以提升模型的特征提取能力;其次,采用了基于距离自适应的加权策略在模型训练时计算人体关键点回归损失以增强模型对远距离人体关键点的回归能力。在COCO 2017人体姿态数据集上的实验结果表明,与基准模型相比,两种改进策略均有效提升了人体姿态估计性能,实现了2%的mAP提升、1.5%的AP50提升和1.7%的AR提升。
Most of the existing human pose estimation algorithms have designed complex network structures to obtain high accuracy but lead to low speed. The YOLO-Pose algorithm has taken advantages of state-of-the-art object detection algorithm and obtained higher accuracy and speed, but it still has the problems of missed detection and false detection. In this paper, a new lightweight human pose estimation algorithm is proposed according to the characteristics of non-rigidness of human poses and the distribution diversity of human landmarks so as to improve the YOLO-Pose algorithm. Firstly, the lightweight channel and spatial attention network (LCSA-Net) are designed to enhance the feature extraction capability. Secondly, a distance-based adaptive weighting strategy is presented to calculate the regression loss of human landmarks during model training so as to enhance the regression ability of the model to long-distance human landmarks. The experimental results on the COCO 2017 human pose dataset indicate that both of the improved strategies can effectively promote the performance of human pose estimation compared with the baseline model, and achieves improvement of 2% mAP, 1.5% AP50 and 1.7% AR.
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