1.华东理工大学 物理系, 上海 200237
[ "余丽红(1997-), 女, 安徽安庆人, 硕士, 2019年于华东理工大学获得学士学位, 主要从事液晶光学器件相关的研究。E-mail:yulihong526@163.com" ]
[ "王骁乾(1984-), 男, 上海人, 博士, 讲师, 2014年于香港科技大学获得博士学位, 主要从事液晶微纳结构及光子器件研究。E-mail:xqwang@ecust.edu.cn" ]
[ "郑致刚(1982-), 男, 浙江宁波人, 博士, 教授, 2009年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位, 主要从事液晶光学材料与应用器件研究。E-mail:zgzheng@ecust.edu.cn" ]
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余丽红, 刘炳辉, 沈冬, 等. 特殊液晶光学材料——扭曲-弯曲向列相液晶及应用[J]. 液晶与显示, 2020,35(7):645-661.
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余丽红, 刘炳辉, 沈冬, 等. 特殊液晶光学材料——扭曲-弯曲向列相液晶及应用[J]. 液晶与显示, 2020,35(7):645-661. DOI: 10.37188/YJYXS20203507.0645.
Li-hong YU, Bing-hui LIU, Dong SHEN, et al. Special liquid crystal optical materials—Twist-bend nematic phase liquid crystals and the applications[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2020,35(7):645-661. DOI: 10.37188/YJYXS20203507.0645.
Twist-bend nematic phase is a chiral nematic phase with an inclined spiral structure possessing nanometer helical pitch. Due to its negative bend elastic constant, nano-scale pitch, and chiral structure formed by achiral molecules, it has attracted widespread attention from researchers all over the world. This article reviews the development of twist-bend nematics, focuses on the study of the characteristics, properties, molecular motion, and molecular groups of twist-bend nematics, and illustrates the effects of twist-bend nematics under external fields. The microstructure changes and the development of theoretical and simulation research on twist-bend nematic phase, and the application prospects and development trends of twist-bend nematic liquid crystal are discussed. The aim of this article is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the related research of the special liquid crystal optical materials through the review of the materials characteristics, properties, applications and other aspects of twist-bend nematic liquid crystals, and thus stimulate the readers' research inspiration on their phase structure, theoretical simulation, applications, etc. It is hoped that this paper can start a discussion and promote the research and development of this field to some extent.
liquid crystaltwist-bend nematic phaseCB7CBmolecular group
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