1.武汉科技大学 信息科学与工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430081
2.武汉科技大学 机械自动化学院, 湖北 武汉 430081
[ "漆正溢(1998—),男,湖北黄冈人,硕士研究生,2020年于湖北师范大学获得学士学位,主要从事眼动追踪、计算机视觉的研究。E-mail:wana2333@163.com" ]
[ "方红萍(1977—),女,湖北武汉人,博士,副教授,2015年于武汉科技大学获得博士学位,主要从事图像处理、模式识别的研究。E-mail:fanghongping@wust.edu.cn" ]
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漆正溢, 方红萍, 万中华, 等. 基于人眼视觉规律的注视点分类及其在图像标注中的应用[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(4):515-523.
QI Zheng-yi, FANG Hong-ping, WAN Zhong-hua, et al. Visual-pattern-based fixation classification and its application in image annotation[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2023,38(4):515-523.
漆正溢, 方红萍, 万中华, 等. 基于人眼视觉规律的注视点分类及其在图像标注中的应用[J]. 液晶与显示, 2023,38(4):515-523. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0245.
QI Zheng-yi, FANG Hong-ping, WAN Zhong-hua, et al. Visual-pattern-based fixation classification and its application in image annotation[J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, 2023,38(4):515-523. DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0245.
针对现有眼动图像标注算法中停留在非目标上的注视点容易引入定位干扰,导致标注精度不高的问题,本文首先实验探索了标注任务中的眼动规律;然后提出将标注注视序列分为视觉搜索和视觉识别两个阶段,并设计了基于参数自适应DBSCAN算法的视觉搜索和视觉识别注视点分类方法,旨在将提取的识别注视点作为眼动图像标注算法的输入,提高标注结果的准确性;最后基于2014 DIMITRIOS P数据集开展实验对比与分析。实验结果表明,与现有相关算法相比,F1度量提升4%,算法运行效率提升了近1倍,眼动图像标注算法精度提高3.34%,满足稳定可靠、精度高、运行速度快等要求。
In the existing works of eye-movement image annotation algorithms, the fixation points resting on non-targets may introduce localization interference, and produce low annotation accuracy. To solve this problem. Firstly, experimental studies are conducted to explore the eye-movement pattern in the annotation task. Then, the annotated gaze sequences are divided into two stages: visual search and visual recognition, and a fixation points classification method based on the parameter adaptive DBSCAN algorithm is proposed to extract recognition fixation points as the input of the eye-movement image annotation algorithm in order to improve the accuracy of the annotation results. Finally, the experimental comparison and analysis are carried out based on the 2014 DIMITRIOS P data set. The experimental results show that compared with the existing related algorithms, the F1 score is improved by 4%, the algorithm operation efficiency is improved by nearly one time, and the eye-movement image annotation accuracy is improved by 3.34%, which meets the requirements of stability, reliability, high accuracy, and fast running speed.
fixations classificationeye movement image annotationvisual researchvisual recognitionadaptive DBSCAN
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