
    39 5 2024

      Optical Alignment Technology

    • 最新研究揭示,偶氮苯磺酸SD1薄膜在405纳米线偏振光辐照下,光致取向重复写入性能随擦写次数增加而下降,200次后取向能力显著减弱。
      YANG Xiaodong,PENG Zenghui,MU Quanquan,LIU Huaiyu
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 553-560(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0008
      摘要:As a liquid crystal photooriented material, azobenzene sulfonic SD1 has the advantages of non-contact, strong anchoring and reorientation,etc. In this paper, the photooriented writing performance of SD1 thin film of azobenzene sulfonic acid was studied under 405 nm linearly polarized light. It is found that the saturation degree of SD1 film decreases continuously with the increase of the number of repeated erasings. After 200 times of repeated erasings (Cumulative energy 1 200 J/cm2), the saturation degree (S) decreases from 0.78 to 0.3, and the orientation velocity decreases from 0.39 s-1 to 0.08 s-1. Furthermore, the UV-Vis absorption spectrum of SD1 film during the repeated orientation process was monitored in real time. It is found that the peak absorbance of UV-Vis absorption spectrum of SD1 film decreases rapidly, then slowly rises and reaches saturation during single orientation, and the overall absorption shows a trend of decreasing. After 200 reorientations, the absorption of SD1 film was gradually reduced, and the absorbance decreased from 0.10 to 0.03. This indicates that the number of trans SD1 molecules in the plane decreases during reorientation, resulting in a decrease in orientation ability, and thus a limited number of overwrites. After turning off the light source for a period of time, the number of molecules in the surface increased to a certain extent.To sum up, the number of in-plane molecules in SD1 films continues to decline during the process of repeated erase by online polarized light. Since the number of in-plane molecules in SD1 films directly affects its orientation ability, this partially reversible change in in-plane molecule number leads to limited SD1 repeatable orientation ability.  
      关键词:azobenzene sulfonic;SD1 film;photoalignment   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 49218282 false
    • 光控取向技术在液晶光学器件制备中占据核心地位,而精确测量锚定强度与曝光条件的关系对于提升器件性能至关重要。然而,现有锚定强度测量方法存在局限性,如无法实现对同一取向膜的单点前后多状态测量,这在实际应用中带来了诸多不便。为此,论文提出了一种基于相位检测原理的新型方位锚定能测量方法。该方法通过微分归一化拟合和全方位透射特性校正,有效消除了起始放置误差,不仅优化了测量过程,还使测量误差控制在8%以内,并大大提高了测量时效性。理论与实验结果表明,该方法能够快速有效测量光控取向膜锚定能随曝光参数的变化,为液晶光学元件的精密制造过程提供实时在线监测手段,对掌握光控取向物理过程和提高制造质量具有重要意义。
      HAN Tongtong,MU Quangquang,PENG Zenghui,LIU Yonggang,LI Dayu,YU Yang,WANG Qidong
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 561-568(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0058
      摘要:Light control orientation technology has always been a crucial aspect of liquid crystal optical device fabrication, and precise measurement of the relationship between the anchoring strength and exposure conditions in light control orientation technology is vital for improving device performance. However, current methods for measuring anchoring strength have certain limitations, such as the inability to achieve multi-state measurements before and after a single-point orientation film, leading to inconvenience in practical applications. In this regard, this paper proposes a novel measurement method for azimuthal anchoring energy based on the phase detection principle. The method utilizes a differential normalization fitting approach, combined with correction for the omnidirectional transmission characteristics, effectively eliminating initial placement errors. This not only optimizes the measurement process, keeping the measurement error within 8%, but also significantly improves measurement efficiency. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that this method can rapidly and effectively measure the anchoring energy of light control orientation films with changes in exposure parameters, exhibiting high accuracy and stability. It can provide real-time online monitoring means for the precise manufacturing process of liquid crystal optical components, playing a crucial role in understanding the physical processes of light control orientation and enhancing manufacturing quality.  
      关键词:liquid crystal;Azimuth anchoring energy;twist angle;Light controlled orientation technology   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 55775271 false
    • 南京大学课题组在液晶领域取得新进展,利用光控取向技术实现高精度任意可编程的二维平面锚定设计,揭示了拓扑缺陷在相变过程中的演化机制,为探索拓扑缺陷的可控生成及应用探索铺平了道路。
      LUO Daoxing,WU Jinbing,GUO Zhenghao,HU Wei
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 569-592(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0043
      摘要:Liquid crystals exhibit unique orientational and positional orders, granting them distinct physical properties that play a crucial role in the realm of condensed soft matter. The continuous symmetry breaking in ordered liquid crystal structures leads to the emergent of topological defects.The transformative mechanisms during phase transitions and ordered controlunder external fields have attracted intensive attentions. By manipulating the spatial scale, boundary conditions, and external field of the systems, liquid crystal molecules demonstrate diverse self-assembly behaviors during different thermodynamic processes, accompanied by the appearance of various topological defects, towards achieving the minimization of the system’s free energy.However, further exploration on the ordered control and dynamic evolution of topological defects during liquid crystal phase transitions, the controlled transition behaviors and mechanisms under external field, as well as the applications of topological defects is highly required. This review presents the latestworks conducted by our group, who utilizes photoalignment technique to achieve high-precision programmable two-dimensional planar anchoring designs. Through guiding the three-dimensional arrangement of liquid crystal molecules via a two-dimensional photoalignment layer, the controlled and ordered large-area topological defects under different phases are achieved successfully. Leveraging the Landau-de Gennes theory, the research discloses the mechanisms of topological defects during phase transitions and explores the underlying principles, significantly enriching our understanding on self-assembly of ordered systems and paving the way for applications of topological defects.  
      关键词:liquid crystal;nematic phase;smectic phase;Landau-deGennestheory;Phase Transformation;Topological defect   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633677 false

      Planar Liquid Crystal Devices

    • 在近眼显示领域,体全息光栅技术取得新进展。研究人员采用光控取向技术结合全息光路,制备了液晶偏振全息柱透镜,并对其成像特性进行了研究。这一成果为近眼显示技术的发展提供了新思路。
      XING Chenchen,ZHENG Jihong,CHEN Fangfang,MA Chenwen,SANG Jingxin,LIU Yourong
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 593-601(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0027
      摘要:In the field of near-eye display, volume holographic gratings, as the promising coupling elements,can couple the light into and out of the waveguide. Liquid crystal polarization hologram has strong polarization selectivity and conversion performance, which can not only realize the coupling of light, but also be used as optical switch, lens, grating, diffuser, achromatic and color optical elements. In this paper, liquid crystal polarization holographic cylindrical lenses were prepared by photo-alignment liquid crystal technology combined with holographic optical path, and their imaging characteristics were studied. In the off-axis holographic interferometric optical path, with the method of the interference of plane wave and cylindrical wave, the SD1 photocontrol orientation technology was used to fabricate a variable line spacing liquid crystal polarization diffraction lens.After being exposed to a 457 nm laser holography, samples of holographic column lenses were prepared with exposure angles of 21.96°, 26.42°, and 33.20°‍, respectively. These angles corresponded to liquid crystal polarizing lenses with varying spacing periods. The change of the period can be realized by changing the angle between the two interference light beams which verified by theoretical calculation.Subsequently, the diffraction characteristics and anomalous dispersion characteristics of liquid crystal polarizing lens were analyzed experimentally. The results indicate that liquid crystal polarization holographic elements have enormous potential in the field of near eye displays.  
      关键词:photoalignment;liquid crystal;polarizing cylindrical lens;anomalous dispersion   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 59258186 false
    • 在激光通信、增强现实显示等领域,液晶偏振光栅的研究取得新进展。专家提出了可调剪切干涉曝光方法,成功制备了大口径长周期偏振光栅,为解决衍射效率和周期分布问题提供了解决方案。
      SHEN Hao,DUAN Jiazhu,CHEN Yibo,QIAO Ran,LI Dapeng,ZENG Jiancheng,SHEN Zhixue,ZHAO Xiangjie,ZHANG Dayong
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 602-609(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0062
      摘要:In conventional dual-beam polarization holography system, the desired polarization profiles of LCPG are accomplished with complicated optics and careful precision alignment, and wherein the relative distances for redirecting beams limit the upper range of periods that can be fabricated. In this paper, we propose a new tunable shearing holography to fabricate large-area LCPGs using small aperture LCPGs as masks. We discuss the grating period dependence on azimuthal rotating angle and position along the optical axis of the grating masks. Using this exposure setup, we demonstrate two long-period PGs where the diameters of the active area are 200 mm. The 200 mm polarization grating exhibits nearly ideal diffraction properties showing over 99% first-order diffraction efficiency. The average grating period is about 59.86 μm and the variation is only 0.07% over the entire aperture. The experimental results show that the tunable shearing holography method enables easy fabrication of large-area and arbitrarily long-period polarization grating with good uniformity. Moreover, the new approach is very compact, much easier to tune the period, more robust to vibration compared with prior polarization holography.  
      关键词:liquid crystal polarization grating;long-period;tunable shearing holography;large-area   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 59011320 false
    • 液晶显示领域迎来新突破,一种基于偏振、位置和波长参数复用的液晶全息显示器件被成功研制。研究团队通过GS算法计算出多个全息图,并利用全息叠加原理实现复用。实验结果显示,该器件能在多个偏振、位置和波长下显示全息图像,且在弯曲状态下仍能维持清晰显示。此外,研究还提出了动态可调全息液晶盒,具有电可调谐能力,可在可见光波段实现图像开/关状态切换。这一创新策略为低成本、易设计的多通道全息液晶器件开辟新路径,在柔性显示、成像复用和信息存储等领域展现广阔潜力。
      ZHOU Yingjie,ZENG Tibin,FAN Fan
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 610-619(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0060
      摘要:In order to realize holographic display with large information capacity and multi-function, several polarization/position/wavelength multiplexing liquid crystal devices are proposed and verified respectively. First, multiple holograms corresponding to specific diffraction conditions and target images are calculated by GS algorithm. Then, multiple holograms are superimposed with the principle of holographic superposition and the multiplexed hologram based on geometric phase is obtained. Finally, several multiplex liquid crystal devices are fabricated based on liquid crystal photoalignment technology and their effectiveness is verified. Experimental results indicate that this method can be used to design liquid crystal devices that display holographic images with multiple polarizations, positions and wavelengths, and devices based on liquid crystal polymer and plastic substrates can achieve clear image display when bent. In addition, a dynamic holographic liquid crystal cell for wavelength multiplexing is proposed, which has good electrical tunability and realizes the imaging switch of on/off state in the visible light band of 445~638 nm. Benefiting from the flexibility of the holographic superposition mechanism and the properties of liquid crystal materials, our strategy provides a new perspective for low-cost multi-channel holographic liquid crystal devices, and the designed liquid crystal based multiplexing devices have broad potential in flexible display, imaging multiplexing and information storage.  
      关键词:holographic display;polarization multiplexing;Wavelength multiplexing;Location reuse;Electrically tunable   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633747 false
    • 液晶光控取向技术制备的Lieb晶格为光场调控领域带来了新突破。研究人员通过精确调控曝光偏振方向,实现了晶格内液晶90°扭曲取向与图案外均匀取向的巧妙组合。实验结果显示,随着电压的调控,液晶Lieb晶格的衍射光斑级次和强度发生显著变化,同时衍射光的偏振态也展现出丰富多样的变化,如+45°线偏振光、-45°线偏振光、右旋圆偏振光、左旋圆偏振光等。这一发现不仅展示了液晶Lieb晶格易调控、易制备的特点,更为光场调控提供了新的手段,开启了该领域新的研究方向。
      CAO Yaxian,DAI Haitao,LIU Ying,GAO Meini,FU Yikai,LIU Changlong,HAO Xichen,WANG Yuhan,CHEN Zhenda,WANG Ruotong,YAO Buyi,FENG Shouzhong
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 620-628(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0108
      摘要:Lieb lattice is one of the most studied complete lattice structures with flat band properties. In this paper, the Lieb lattice is prepared based on the liquid crystal light orientation technology. By changing the polarization direction of exposure, the LC Lieb lattice structure is constructed with the liquid crystal 90° twisted (TN) orientation inside the lattice site and uniform (PA) orientation outside the pattern. The diffraction characteristics of liquid crystal Lieb lattice with different incidence schemes are measured under different applied electric field. The polarization characteristics of multiple diffraction orders under different applied electric fields are measured by polarization tester. The experiments show that the order of diffraction spots increases when voltage is added. As the voltage increases to about 2.5 VPP, the diffraction effect of liquid crystal Lieb lattice structure becomes worse, and the intensity of diffraction spots is the weakest except for zero-order diffraction spots. When the voltage increases to 4 VPP, the intensity of the diffraction spots is gradually enhanced, and the diffraction pattern is gradually clear. In the process of changing the voltage, the polarization state of the diffracted light of different orders in various incident cases also gradually changes, and the first-order diffracted light has special polarization states such as +45° linear polarized light, -45° linear polarized light, right-handed circularly polarized light, and left-handed circularly polarized light between 1 VPP and 3 VPP. The liquid crystal Lieb lattice proposed in this paper has the characteristics of easy regulation and preparation. By regulating the voltage applied on the liquid crystal, the dynamic regulation of the diffraction order polarization state can be realized, which provides a new way for the light field regulation.  
      关键词:liquid crystal Lieb lattice;light-controlled orientation;applied voltage;polarization;diffraction pattern   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 56189195 false

      Near-eye Displays

    • 在增强现实领域,液晶偏振体光栅的研究进展为解决波导显示中的关键性问题提供了解决方案,展望了其在波导显示中的应用前景。
      BAI Ziyan,CAI Wenfeng,CHENG Ming,LAN Shun,KONG Delai,SHEN Jian,CEN Mengjia,CHEN Yuan,LIU Yanjun
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 629-645(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0031
      摘要:Liquid crystal polarization volume gratings are one kind of geometrical phase Bragg gratings. They exhibit strong polarization selectivity, high diffraction efficiency, large diffraction angles, and simple fabrication, making them ideal for augmented reality systems. In this review, we introduce the working principle and optical properties of liquid crystal polarization volume gratings. Then, we summarize the recent research progress in this research field. In addition, we particularly discuss the research of liquid crystal polarization volume gratings and their potential applications in solving key challenges for augmented reality waveguide displays. Finally, we summarize the current issues and development trends of waveguide displays based on liquid crystal polarization volume gratings.  
      关键词:liquid crystal polarization volume grating;augmented reality;waveguide display;field of view;exit pupil extension;full-color display   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 59258145 false
    • 在增强现实显示领域,研究人员提出了一种偏振体全息光栅光波导AR显示光学系统,有效解决了出瞳亮度不均和能量利用率低的问题。通过理论设计和仿真,以及实验验证,该系统实现了大出瞳尺寸和良好入眼均匀性,为偏振体全息光栅波导的设计提供了宝贵指导和参考。
      LIN Zijian,YAO Lisheng,JIN Huajian,QIU Jianbin,YE Yun,XU Sheng,YAN Qun,GUO Tailiang,ZHANG Wanlong,CHEN Enguo
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 646-655(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0036
      摘要:The thin optical waveguide combiner is responsible for pupil expansion of augmented reality (AR) displays. The exit pupil guides the display information into human eyes by inducing multiple diffractions from the coupling region with extension. However, this multiple diffraction may lead to the gradual weakening of exit pupil brightness along the spatial distribution of the light path, resulting in uneven brightness. In particular, when the coupling elements are fabricated by liquid crystal polarization volume grating (LCPVG), which is only sensitive to a kind of circularly polarized light according to the Bragg grating property, the orthogonal circularly polarized light will be directly transmitted, wasting the rest of display information. To address this issue, this paper proposes an optical waveguide AR display system based on LCPVG, which provides the left-handed and right-handed circular polarization light multiplexing, achieving large pupil area with good uniformity. The LCPVG is designed in the k-space to achieve the maximum field of view with the diffraction wavelength of 532 nm, combining the micro-display unit which consists of a micro-LED (μLED) display with a set of matching projection lenses, providing the exit pupil size of 45 mm×25 mm. The experimental results show that the diagonal field of view of the waveguide system reaches the expected 32.86° with the substrate refractive index of 1.51. Compared with the scheme that only responds to a single circular polarized light, the uniformity measured by the nine-point method is increased by 48.8%, the overall uniformity is increased by 34.1%, and the optical efficiency of the waveguide combiner is also improved by 1.2 times. This work provides valuable guidance and reference for the design of polarization volume grating waveguides for AR display systems.  
      关键词:Augment reality;liquid crystal polarization volume grating;micro-LED displays;waveguide;Diffraction grating   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50187430 false
    • 科技媒体新闻记者报道,增强现实(AR)近眼显示技术正在成为连接现实与虚拟世界的桥梁。该技术能将虚拟信息叠加到现实世界,创造出虚实结合的场景。其中,视网膜投影显示(RPD)作为麦克斯韦近眼显示的一种,能有效解决调焦-辐辏冲突,带来无眩晕的近眼显示体验,因此备受关注。近年来,众多研究团队围绕扩展出瞳、全彩显示等核心问题,提出了多种解决方案。本文详细介绍了麦克斯韦增强AR近眼显示的工作原理,综述了其关键器件的发展历程,并展望了未来的前景与趋势。这一技术的不断进步,将为AR领域带来新的突破,为人们的生活带来更加丰富多彩的体验。
      ZHU Jiaxin,LUO Dan
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 656-671(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0080
      摘要:Augmented reality (AR) near-eye display technology combines the virtual information and real worlds, creating a scene of virtual and real integration for users, becoming a bridge connecting reality and the virtual world.Retinal projection display (RPD), also known as Maxwellian displays, has received widespread attention in the field of AR near-eye display due to its ability to effectively resolve vergence-accommodation conflict and provide a near-eye display without dizziness. With the progress of research, Maxwellian near-eye display has multiple implementation methods, and different display methods have proposed different solutions around the main problems of expanding eye movement range and full-color display. This article mainly introduces the working principle of Maxwellian near-eye displays, summarizes the core devices used for Maxwellian near-eye displays and their development progress, and looks forward to the future development prospects and trends of Maxwellian near-eye displays.  
      关键词:augmented reality;Retinal projection displays;Holographic optical elements;Liquid crystal polarization element   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 55775355 false

      Optical Communication

    • 在光纤集成器件领域,研究者设计并验证了一种基于光纤端面集成的液晶光束整形器件,为光纤光学器件的微型化与集成化提供了一种成本较低、高效便捷的全新途径。
      ZHANG Yongying,LI Peiyun,GUO Zhenghao,YUAN Dong,YE Huapeng,ZHOU Guofu
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 672-682(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0050
      摘要:Optical fiber integrated devices have attracted increasing attention due to its advantages of small size, and high-degree integration of diverse functionalities. Traditional fiber integrated devices are usually composed of dielectric or metallic microstructures, which rely on expensive and complex lithography process. Moreover, the functionality of fiber optics with static and fixed geometry is unadjustable, which greatly limits their applications. In this article, we design and demonstrate an optical fiber end-facet integrated liquid crystal (LC) photonic devices for beam shaping. The LC polymer droplets with planar and homeotropic anchoring on the single-mode fiber end-facet were prepared to realize the beam shaping devices in the visible. These two kind of LC polymer droplets with special director configurations were simulated using Q-tensor model and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction theory. The optical properties of the LC polymer droplets under different anchoring conditions were experimentally verified. The experimental results match the simulation results, thus proving the beam shaping ability of the LC devices. This study provides a new approach to realize compact and integrated optical fiber optics with lower cost and high efficiency.  
      关键词:Beam shaping;Optical fiber end-facet;Liquid crystal polymer droplets;Liquid crystal director;Integrated device   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633574 false
    • 最新研究进展显示,液晶偏振转换器在光学响应特性的动态可调性方面具有显著优势,为几何相位型多功能光学器件的设计和应用提供了重要参考。
      WANG Qidong,MU Quanquan,LIU Lulu,YU Yang,PENG Zenghui,LIU Yonggang,LU Xinghai
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 683-696(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0063
      摘要:Polarization converters can indirectly achieve dynamic adjustability of the optical response characteristics of geometric phase multifunctional optical devices by dynamically adjusting the polarization state of the incident light. Polarization converters based on liquid crystal have many advantages such as high control efficiency, large control area, and high compactness, etc., making them the most widely used polarization converters at present. This article systematically introduces the latest research progress of liquid crystal polarization converters based on the three core parameters of polarization conversion efficiency, operating frequency band, and field of view angle. The detailed structures and performance performances of typical liquid crystal polarization converters and large angle and wide band liquid crystal polarization converters are presented. The expansion methods of operating frequency band and angle of view for liquid crystal polarization converters are also introduced. This work can provide necessary references for the structural design and application of liquid crystal polarization converters, and also provide some ideas for research based on geometric phase or novel phase control modes.  
      关键词:liquid crystals;polarization converters;operating frequency band;field of view angle   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633636 false
    • 最新研究进展显示,液晶包层波导技术在光束扫描和傅里叶变换光谱领域取得显著成果,为可重构光子器件领域的发展提供了新思路。
      DIAO Zhihui,BI Zekun,FAN Weifang,YU Yunhui,MU Quanquan
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 697-706(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0056
      摘要:The liquid crystal cladding waveguide uses the waveguide as the carrier and liquid crystal as the working substance. The liquid crystal in the cladding regulates the waveguide mode in the core layer through evanescent waves. Compared with traditional liquid crystal devices, liquid crystal cladding waveguides can cleverly decouple the light modulation distance and the thickness of the liquid crystal layer, and significantly reduce the liquid crystal rebound time based on the action of surface layer liquid crystals. It has the advantages of large modulation amplitude and fast response speed. This article reviews the research progress of liquid crystal cladding waveguide technology in the fields of beam scanning and Fourier transform spectroscopy, and looks forward to the application prospects of liquid crystal cladding waveguide technology in the field of reconfigurable photonic devices. Different macroscopic application performances are derived from the microscopic control of the waveguide mode by the liquid crystal cladding, and its unique working method gives new technical advantages to macroscopic applications. This review will provide an important research idea for new liquid crystal beam control methods.  
      关键词:liquid crystal;waveguide;light regulation   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633607 false

      Soft Actuator

    • 液晶弹性体(LCEs)软执行器在仿生智能机器人领域取得了新的突破。LCEs作为智能软机器人的关键元件,通过液晶各向异性和橡胶软弹性的结合,展现出可逆且复杂的形状变化和运动能力。特别是在光驱动的应用中,LCEs执行器展现出了强大的远程控制、快速响应和高效能量积累释放等优势。研究者深入探讨了LCEs的形状变化响应机制及其性能,为智能机器人领域的发展提供了新的可能。这一研究不仅丰富了仿生智能机器人的功能设计,也为未来的智能材料研发和应用提供了新的方向。
      LEI Bing,CHEN Lujian
      Vol. 39, Issue 5, Pages: 707-724(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0097
      摘要:As nature continues to evolve, many organisms exhibit unique behaviors that are adapted to their environments, providing inspiration for researchers to develop environmentally adapted smart materials and bionic soft actuators. Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) soft actuators, as representative actuators for intelligent soft robots, have liquid crystal anisotropy and rubbery soft elasticity, which enable reversible and complex shape changes and locomotor capabilities in response to external environmental stimuli. Light-driven LCEs-based actuators offer a variety of advantages, including powerful remote control capability, fast response time, and efficient energy accumulation and release mechanisms. In this paper, we introduce the LCEs shape change response mechanism and its performance in the light-driven bionic LCEs soft actuators, and look forward to the application prospect of the light-driven LCEs soft actuators based on bionic design in the field of intelligent robotics.  
      关键词:liquid crystal elastomers;bionic actuators;Light-driven morphing;Intelligent soft robotics   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 55775724 false