
    39 3 2024

      Manipulation of Liquid Crystal Elastomers

    • 最新科技报道,一种基于液态金属与液晶弹性体的光驱动软体致动器亮相。通过4D打印技术,该致动器展现出出色的形变可编程性。专家成功制备了具有不同取向结构的致动器,具有优异的光热性能。在红外激光照射下,致动器能快速产生弯曲或凸起形变。这种软体致动器在医疗、军事和软体机器人等领域展现出巨大的应用潜力,为相关领域的发展开辟了新道路。
      WANG Faxin,ZHANG Huan,CHEN Yuanhao,YANG Le,BI Ran,SHEN Yongtao,FENG Wei,WANG Ling
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 257-265(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0243
      摘要:To obtain liquid crystal elastomer with shape-programmable ability and improve its application potential in soft actuators and soft robots, this work reports a light driven soft actuator based on liquid metal (LM)-liquid crystal elastomer (LCE). The soft actuator is fabricated by 4D printing technology, which endows the actuator robust shape-programmable capability.LM was dispersed in ethanol by sonication, then LM micro-particles were mixed into the liquid crystal solution to obtain uniform LM-LCE ink. Using 4D printing technique, the soft actuator with specific deformation was eventually obtained by further programming the orientation of ink. The alternating orthogonal and conical array LM-LCE soft actuators were created via 4D printing. The actuator has good photothermal performance, when exposed to 808 nm infrared laser, its surface temperature can reach above 120 °C in about 10 s. According to the superior photothermal performance, the alternating orthogonal structure actuator is capable of producing bending deformation quickly, while the conical array structure actuator can produce a convex deformation with the spiral center as the vertex.Based on 4D printing technology, the LM-LCE light-driven soft actuator has robust shape-programmable capability, demonstrating better adaptability and adjustability in dynamic and complex environments, and is anticipated to be extensively used in the fields of medical treatment, military, and soft robot.  
      关键词:Programmable deformation;liquid crystal elastomer;Liquid metals;4D printing;soft robot   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 40531334 false
    • 液晶弹性体在微型医用机器人等领域具有广阔应用前景。专家深入研究了液晶弹性体的分子取向和微结构加工技术,实现了高分辨率和高精度的制备。这些成果为微驱动器、人工肌肉纤维等应用提供了有力支撑,也为液晶弹性体在微型医用机器人领域的未来发展指明了方向。
      DUAN Ruijue,LI Lei,ZENG Xianbing,GUO Yubing
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 266-277(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0404
      摘要:Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) have potential applications in medical micro-robotics, controllable surface microstructures, and microfluidics due to their programmable shape morphing and up to 400% strain. To achieve high-resolution molecular orientations and high-precision LCE microstructures, advanced alignment and micro/nano-fabrication techniques are required. Here, we presented current alignment techniques and micro/nano-fabrication techniques for LCE micro-structures, summarized their applications in micro-actuators, artificial muscle fibers, and controllable surfaces, and envisaged their future development in medical micro-robotics.  
      关键词:liquid crystal elastomer;micro-structure;Molecular orientation;Microrobotics   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 47506479 false
    • 液晶弹性体作为集成了液晶相和聚合物力学特性的材料,展现出强大的自主形变能力,在柔性电子、光学器件及生物医疗技术等领域备受瞩目。专家通过同步构筑液晶弹性体的取向及几何结构,实现了复杂形变模式和功能特性。结合机械超材料,更拓展了其应用领域。3D打印技术的应用进一步推动了人造有序结构的构建,为材料性能提升奠定了基础。
      WANG Jinyu,XU Yiyi,JIN Mengshi,HUANG Shuai,LI Quan
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 278-288(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0405
      摘要:Liquid crystal elastomers are materials that combine the anisotropic properties of liquid crystals and the mechanical properties of polymers, enabling programmable shape changes. Consequently, they have potential applications in various arenas such as flexible electronics, optical devices, and biomedicine. The advanced functional attributes of liquid crystal elastomers primarily derive from the methodologies used in the treatment methods and the fabrication of geometric structures during the preparation process. The different ways to combine the orientation strategies with the structures can endow the materials with complex deformation modes and functions. In recent years, it has been discovered that integrating mechanical metamaterials with liquid crystal elastomers can actualize functionalities and properties that are unattainable with conventional material design, such as biaxial actuation, thermally induced expansion, and omnidirectional motion, which can be applied in arenas including biomedical engineering, electronic-free sensing, and precise vibration management. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the design methods that employ metamaterial concepts for the concurrent structural and orientational construction of liquid crystal elastomers, and their applications, with an introduction on the applications of 3D printing technology in the fabrication of artificial ordered structures and the impact on material performances.  
      关键词:liquid crystal elastomers;Mechanical metamaterials;smart materials;3D printing   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 47506499 false

      Manipulation of Liquid Crystal Structures

    • 液晶自组装和刺激响应特性研究取得重要进展,科学家成功实现近晶相液晶多层级超结构的灵活构筑与动态操控。该研究探究了取向场和旋涂条件对超结构形态与大小的操控,验证了微透镜成像功能,并通过材料优化和引入稳定策略,实现了电刺激动态调控。同时,该研究还探索了手性、光场和热场对超结构的多维度调控,为液晶超结构的实用化进程提供了有力支持。
      ZHANG Han,WANG Longyang,ZHU Bohan,WANG Zeyu,WEI Yang,MA Lingling,LU Yanqing
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 289-298(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0066
      摘要:Making full use of the self-assembly and stimulus-response properties of liquid crystals (LCs) to achieve flexible construction, dynamic manipulation and multi-functional applications of smectic LC hierachical superstructures has great significance for stimulating more cutting-edge innovative devices and pushing the practical application of LC superstructures. This research focuses on preparation and self-assembly of smectic LC superstructures, modulation of defect structures by multiple external stimuli, and dynamic regulation laws. First, the shape and size modulation of smectic LC topological superstructures by photopatterning and spin-coating parameters were explored. Then, the microlensing function of the focal conic domain arrays was verified. Through optimization of composite material and proposing the polymer-stabilized strategy, dynamic regulation of the square focal cone domain array under electric field at 35 ℃ (i.e., nematic phase) was demonstrated. Finally, this paper also studied multi-dimensional control of smectic LC topological superstructures by introducing chirality, light field and thermal field. This study combines multiple external field stimuli, such as photoalignment, film thickness, polymer network, electric field, chirality, and light field to achieve multi-dimensional control of the hierachical superstructure of smectic LCs.  
      关键词:liquid crystal;smectic phase;photoalignment;superstructure;Dynamic control;chirality   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633772 false
    • 科技新闻播报,最近,蓝相液晶领域取得了新突破。专家成功将具有聚集诱导发光特性的液晶TPE-PPE引入蓝相液晶体系,深入研究了复合体系的荧光性能。实验表明,蓝相液晶体系对AIE分子具有荧光增强效应,并随着温度变化,蓝相液晶的反射带隙和荧光强度呈现特定变化。这一研究不仅拓宽了蓝相液晶的应用范围,也为多功能化蓝相体系平台的构建提供了有力支持。
      CHEN Ying,DUAN Ran,XU Ziyan,TANG Ruiqi,TONG Yingping,ZHAO Dongyu
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 299-311(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0041
      摘要:In order to broaden the application of bluephase liquid crystal (BPLC) and build a multifunctional BPLC system platform, this paper introduces TPE-PPE, a liquid crystal with aggregation-inducedemission(AIE)characteristics, into the BPLC system, and carries out a study on the fluorescence performance of the composite system. On the one hand, the effects of chiral dopant content on the phase transition behavior and photonic band gap (PBG) displacement of the BPLC are systematically investigated and summarized. On the other hand, the influence of BPLC on the fluorescence performance of AIE molecules is explored, and relevant fluorescence enhancement effects are proposed. The experimental results show that the temperature domain ranges of blue phase Ⅱ with different chiral dopants systems are basically the same, and the PBG shows blue shift with decreasing temperature. The temperature range of blue phase Ⅰ is closely related to the chirality, and when only blue phase Ⅰ exists in the system, its PBG shows red shift with the decrease of temperature. The BPLC system has a certain fluorescence enhancement effect on AIE molecules, and the fluorescence intensity of the system is obviously enhanced with the red shift of the PBG of blue phase Ⅰ. It is concluded that the TPE-PPE molecules are involved in the self-assembly of the BPLC system to a certain extent.The enhanced fluorescence intensity of the TPE-PPE molecules is due to the restricted movement of the TPE-PPE molecules in the double-twisted cylinders.With the disappearance of the blue phase Ⅱ and the red shift of the PBG of the blue phase Ⅰ, more TPE-PPE molecules are involved in the self-assembly of the double-twisted cylinders, and the fluorescence emission of the system is enhanced.  
      关键词:aggregation-induced emission;polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal;photonic crystal   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 49218308 false
    • 液晶中电对流图案形成,作为光衍射研究的关键问题,近日取得新突破。研究团队探索了负介电各向异性液晶中图案形成与衍射特性,观察到四种独特图案,并深入探究了温度、电场等因素对图案的影响。实验表明,通过调节电场和温度,可灵活控制电对流图案。这一成果为可调谐光学衍射器件的开发提供了新思路,有望推动液晶光学应用领域的进一步发展。
      SHANG Xiaohu,JIANG Haoyi,SONG Zhenpeng,LIU Jiao,LI Bingxiang
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 312-321(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0263
      摘要:Pattern formation of electroconvection in liquid crystals is a peculiar and intriguing phenomenon, and it also poses an important problem in the study of optical diffraction. This work aims to explore pattern formation and related diffraction characteristics in dielectrically negative anisotropic nematic liquid crystals. Four different electroconvection patterns are observed experimentally, namely, soft square, oblique rolls, skewed varicose, and irregular patterns.The threshold voltages required for pattern generation at different temperatures are investigated. The effect of electric field on the periodicity of patterns and the inclination angle of the relative director are studied, and the corresponding diffraction characteristics of the patterns are analyzed. The experimental results show that electroconvection patterns can be altered by adjusting the electric field and temperature. The threshold voltage required for pattern generation decreases with the increase of temperature and increases with the growth of frequency. The periodicity of soft square patterns initially decreases and then increases with the increase of frequency, while the periodicity of oblique rolls decreases with the increase of frequency. When f=25~45 Hz, the oblique rolls exhibit an approximately 44° deviation from the initial director. This controllable electroconvection pattern provides a feasible solution for the realization of tunable optical diffraction devices based on nematic liquid crystals.  
      关键词:liquid crystal;pattern formation;diffractions;electric field;electroconvection   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 41800456 false

      Application in Liquid Crystal Displays

    • 科技新闻播报:光驱动液晶显示器(ODLCD)作为一种新型显示技术,具有功耗低、可擦除改写的优点。然而,擦写时间较长的问题限制了其应用。最新研究显示,通过在液晶中掺入液晶单体RM257和银纳米线(AgNWs),并探究其浓度对擦写时间的影响,成功降低了ODLCD的擦写时间。这一研究成果为改善ODLCD性能,推动其在实际应用中的发展具有重要意义。
      XIAO Ming,CHEN Meng,SHANG Jianhua,SANG Jingxin,SUN Jiatong
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 322-329(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0022
      摘要:The Optically Driving Liquid Crystal Display (ODLCD) is a novel type of liquid crystal display that utilizes the arrangement of target optical axes to inscribe linear polarization information into the optical orientation layer, which in turn, guides the technology of liquid crystal micro-area orientation. ODLCDs not only boast the significant advantage of low power consumption but also enable information erasure and rewriting through the use of polarized light. However, the current drawback of ODLCDs lies in their prolonged writing time, restricting their practical applications.To address this issue and reduce the writing time of ODLCDs, we conducted experiments by incorporating liquid crystal monomer RM257 and silver nanowires into the liquid crystal matrix, followed by photo-crosslinking under an applied electric field. The impact of different concentrations (mass fraction) of RM257 and silver nanowires on the writing time of ODLCDs was investigated. The experimental results reveal that both RM257 and silver nanowires (AgNWs) exert a significant influence on the writing time of ODLCDs. Specifically, at an RM257 concentration of 12% and AgNWs concentration of 1%, ODLCDs exhibit a lower writing time.This study contributes to the enhancement of the writing time performance of ODLCDs, providing valuable insights for its practical applications.  
      关键词:ODLCD;erasing time;RM257;AgNWs   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 54659181 false
    • 一款液晶柔性显示薄膜的研制取得了突破,这款薄膜不仅机械性能优异,还具备独特防伪功能。研究团队利用光控取向技术设计出了双通道显示功能的液晶显示器件,并通过液晶盒厚度的优化,实现了主副显示效果的防伪信息隐藏。同时,通过掺杂银纳米线,薄膜的机械拉伸性能得到了显著提升。这一研究为制备信息丰富、稳定性强的液晶防伪商标提供了新思路。
      LÜ Zhiwei,SANG Jingxin,LI Tangwu,SUN Jiatong
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 330-337(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0028
      摘要:This article designs a liquid crystal flexible display film with excellent mechanical properties and unique anti-counterfeiting functions. Firstly, a liquid crystal display device with dual channel display function is designed based on optical orientation technology, which achieves independent display of two channels through light field control.Secondly, using the thickness of the LCD box as the control group, the optimal thickness is determined to enable two independent patterns to form the main and auxiliary display effects, thereby hiding anti-counterfeiting information. Finally, the mechanical tensile properties of liquid crystal display films are improved by doping silver nanowires (AgNWs) into liquid crystal polymer composites. The experimental results show that when the thickness of the liquid crystal flexible display film is 60 μm, the liquid crystal film presents a satisfactory pattern display effect. Meanwhile, compared with the liquid crystal display film without AgNWs doping, the modulus parameter of the liquid crystal flexible film doped with AgNWs is increased by more than 30%, and it has a larger stress-bearing capacity and strain range. This study has positive significance for achieving a liquid crystal anti-counterfeiting trademark with rich information and strong stability.  
      关键词:Liquid crystal flexible display film;Anti-counterfeiting trademark;silver nanowire;Physical and mechanical properties   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50049957 false
    • 科技新闻播报:在液晶显示领域取得了突破性进展。研究者利用光-电协同调控技术,成功获得了具有高反射率、全彩色显示的倾斜螺旋胆甾相器件。通过引入手性光开关并平衡螺旋扭曲力,实现了光照前后对电场强度的相同反射效果。双层结构液晶器件的构筑,提升了反射率约60%。这一研究为全彩色电子纸器件的制备提供了新思路,也为光开关材料在液晶器件的应用开辟了新道路。
      ZENG Shuangshuang,LIN Haiyi,LIU Tao,HOU Danxing,WANG Jiaxing,CHE Chuncheng,WU Xiaojuan,GUO Jinbao
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 338-348(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0040
      摘要:In this work, the oblique helicoidal cholesteric (ChOH) device with high reflectivity and full color displaying was obtained by means of photo-electric cooperative regulation. By introducing a left-handed chiral photoswitch (switch 1) into liquid crystal (LC) system, also based on the principle of chiral cancellation of the opposite handedness chiral additive, a chiral agent R811 was used to balance the difference in helical twisted power value before and after Z/E photoisomerization of switch 1, so that the system could reflect circularly polarized light with opposite handedness and the same red-green-blue colors by applying the same electric field intensity before and after light irradiations. On this basis, a double-layer LC cell was constructed, and the cell was subjected to photo-electric stimulation to induce the helical inversion of the upper layer, so that left- and right-handedness ChOH structure could be formed in the double-layer structure. As a result, the reflectance of the system was increased by around 60% in the device structure with full reflection effect. This study provides a new idea for the preparation of full-color electronic paper devices with high reflectivity, and also provides a useful exploration for the application of photoswitch materials in LC devices.  
      关键词:oblique helicoidal cholesteric;wide spectrum tuning;chiral photoswitch;handedness inversion;photo-electric modulation   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50187211 false

      Advances in Controllable Liquid Crystal Applications

    • 科技新闻快报:最新研究显示,自然界的光子晶体图案为生物提供独特功能,如变色龙的伪装保护。受此启发,胆甾相液晶图案得以开发,并在数据存储、传感器等领域展现潜力。专家深入研究了其外场刺激响应性,并介绍了在加密器件、防伪设备、柔性传感器等方面的应用。这项研究为构建基于胆甾相液晶图案的新型功能材料奠定了坚实基础,开启了新的科技应用方向。
      SHANG Yuanyuan,WANG Jingxia,JIANG Lei
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 349-368(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0001
      摘要:The natural photonic crystal patterns provide unique functions for the survival of organisms, such as chameleons adapting their skin pattern colors to the environment for camouflage protection, and cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus, etc.) producing a wide range of structural colors and photonic patterns to facilitate information exchange between species. Inspired by the special functions of natural photonic patterns, cholesteric liquid crystals (CLCs) patterns have been developed and demonstrated potential applications in data storage, sensors, flexible intelligent devices, and other fields. This article reviews the external stimulus responsiveness, functional evolution, and applications of CLC patterns. Firstly, the external stimulus responsiveness of CLC patterns are summarized, including light, electricity, heat, mechanical force, and solvent. Secondly, various applications of CLC patterns are introduced, such as storage devices with encryption and decryption functions, information security and anti-counterfeiting devices, flexible wearable sensors, and circularly polarized light emitting systems. Finally, the prospects and challenges of CLC patterns are introduced. This review provides a foundation for constructing new functional materials based on CLC patterns.  
      关键词:cholesteric liquid crystals;photonic pattern;externally stimulated regulation   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 48024501 false
    • 液晶气体传感器,作为新兴研究领域,展现出了其在高灵敏度、快速响应等方面的潜力。专家们不断完善液晶气体传感方法,包括向列相液晶的气体检测与胆甾相液晶的气体传感。这些传感技术包括功能化基板、特性几何形貌、液晶液滴等多种方法。液晶气体传感的研究为气体检测领域提供了新的解决方案,并为其进一步发展奠定了基础。
      ZHOU Dong,LIU Yongjun
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 369-383(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0045
      摘要:Gas sensors based on liquid crystals constitute an emerging research field. Due to the chemical diversity, reversible molecular arrangement, and inherent self-assembly capabilities of liquid crystals, they can satisfy the characteristics of high sensitivity, rapid response, low energy consumption, and selectivity in sensors. As related research advances, methods for liquid crystal gas sensing continue to be refined. This paper reviews recent years' liquid crystal-based gas sensing technology and discusses the existing methods for gas detection using liquid crystals, mainly including nematic liquid crystal gas detection methods and cholesteric liquid crystal gas sensing methods. Nematic liquid crystal gas sensing includes functionalized substrate liquid crystal film sensing, geometrically tailored liquid crystal sensing, and liquid crystal droplet sensing methods. Cholesteric liquid crystal gas sensing mainly includes gas sensing with polymer cholesteric liquid crystal films,liquid crystal droplet sensing,gas detection based on optical fibers, and cellulose gas sensing. Finally, the application and development of liquid crystal gas sensing are discussed.  
      关键词:Gassensor;nematic liquid crystal;cholesteric liquid crystal   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633514 false
    • 液晶显示在各领域广泛应用,非显示领域也展现其高精度调控特点。为满足高速调控需求,过压驱动技术受到关注。研究者通过应用过压驱动技术,优化了液晶显示器件的响应性能,并在非显示领域如空间光调制器和液晶透镜等有所应用。尽管面临技术挑战,但过压驱动技术为液晶显示发展开辟了新方向,未来有望取得更多突破。
      SHI Wenxiong,LU Qihan,LIANG Rubiao,QIN Weixian,YAO Lishuang
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 384-392(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2024-0049
      摘要:Liquid crystal displays almost cover all application display fields, and in non-display fields, they also demonstrate the characteristics of high precision and multi-parameter regulation. Currently, liquid crystal devices still need to further improve their response speed for high-speed control applications. For this reason, overvoltage drive technology has entered the field of vision of researchers. This article mainly reviews the overdrive technology applied in the field of liquid crystal display and control. Firstly, a brief introduction is given to the principles and main applications of overdrive technology, as well as the optimization of device response and other performance improvements when applying overdrive technology in different types of liquid crystal displays. In addition, this article also introduces the application of overdrive technology of liquid crystal devices in non-display field, such as spatial light modulators and liquid crystal lenses. Finally, the article summarizes the technical issues faced by overdrive technology in liquid crystal displays, outlines the main existing solutions, and briefly looks into the technical bottlenecks that need to be overcome and future development directions.  
      关键词:liquid crystal display;Overdriving;fast response;Artifact;Backflow effect   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 50633844 false
    • 科技新闻播报:关于Chromonic溶致液晶(LCLCs)的研究取得新进展。LCLCs由可溶性芳香族化合物自组装形成,具备物理各向异性、生物兼容及可调控性。专家深入研究了外场调控、掺杂等手段对LCLCs的影响,为生物检测、细菌操控等领域提供重要价值,并为未来LCLCs的应用研究开辟了新方向。
      OU Zijian,YANG Zhaoyan,LI Jungang,LI Bingxiang,LU Yanqing
      Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pages: 393-408(2024) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2023-0401
      摘要:Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals (LCLCs) are a type of lyotropic liquid crystals formed by self-assembly of soluble aromatic compounds. Due to their rich physical anisotropy, biocompatibility, and controllability, LCLCs have important research value in applications such as biosensing, bacterial manipulation, etc. This article reviews the research on performance control of LCLCs, briefly introduces their characteristics, and focuses on the effects of control methods such as director alignment and doping on LCLCs. Finally, feasible control methods and possible future development routes are discussed and summarized.  
      关键词:Lyotropic Liquid Crystals;Chromonic;external field regulation;doping   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 47506393 false