
    3 2023

      Quantum Dot based Liquid Crystal Display

    • FANG Qing,WU You-zhao,WANG Feng,XU Huai-shu,JI Hong-lei
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 267-275(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0395
      摘要:Quantum dots (QDs) have been successfully applied in the liquid crystal display (LCD) industry for 10 years. With the developments of quantum dot diffusion plate, QD-OLED technology and perovskite quantum dots, QD-LCD has experienced a rapid development, making QDs an important driving force to promote LCD industry. Except for the enhanced color gamut, QD-LCD also plays an important role in the aspects of eye protection, energy saving and so on. This review summarizes the current progress of QD-LCD display application with a discuss of the future perspective. This paper will be helpful to the engineers working on the display technology.  
      关键词:quantum dots;liquid crystal display;backlights;Mini-LED;micro-LED   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 32618692 false
    • WU Xian-gang,JI Hong-lei,ZHONG Hai-zheng
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 276-290(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0368
      摘要:Liquid crystal display (LCD) is the most widely used display technology in our life, however there are still room to improve the color performance and energy efficiency. Quantum dots (QDs) have the advantages of narrow spectrum emission and high quantum efficiency, which play a key role in improving the color quality and perceived brightness of LCD display. This paper introduces the optical design of QD-LCD, the stability issues of QDs, as well as the challenges in backlight integration. Based on the analysis of QD-LCD's requirements of low cost, low toxicity and easy integration, the industrial prospects of perovskite QDs are discussed. Finally, we present the future directions of QD-LCD, especially the problems of spectral cross of color filters and the energy loss of polarizer.  
      关键词:LCD;backlights;quantum dots;perovskite quantum dots;color filter   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 32321631 false
    • YU Shi-rong,KANG Yong-yin,WANG Hai-lin,ZHU Wei
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 291-303(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0365
      摘要:Colloidal quantum dots (QDs), due to their excellent optical property, such as broad absorb range, narrow emission and solution processability, have received more widespread application in liquid crystal display, enabling the wide color gamut, with quantum dot light conversion film (Q-LCF) as the main commercial product. Typical Q-LCF structure is a sandwich structure with a layer of QD containing resin between two barrier films. The barrier film plays the role of preventing the QD resin from water and oxygen to protect the QD, the key material to realize the optical conversion performance. Generally, QD resin includes red and green quantum dots, which emit red and green light under the excitation of the backlight blue LED, and achieve RGB three primary colors, together with the transmitted blue light. The Q-LCF has gradually developed from using the expensive high grade barrier films(10-3~10-4 g·m-2·day-1) to the cost-effective low grade barrier films(10-1 g·m-2·day-1), which makes the Q-LCF spencentrating widely in LCD products, starting from large size TV products 1 397~2 159 mm(55~85 in), to monitor, laptop, automotive tablet, VR display and wearable products. For its greatly improved the color display capacity and added value of products, the Q-LCF has gained more and more recognition from brand customers and end users. Based on the structure and function of Q-LCF, this paper reviews the technological development process and discusses the latest research progress, technology, standard and market development trend of Q-LCF.  
      关键词:quantum dot;Quantum dot light conversion film;Barrier film;Spectrum optimization;Wide color gamut;Standardization;reliability   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 32316273 false
    • YE Dao-chun,XIE Hong-xing,LI Si-jie,JI Hong-lei,XU Huai-shu,LI Yang,SUN Lei,CHEN En-guo,XU Sheng,YE Yun,YAN Qun,GUO Tai-liang
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 304-318(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0318
      摘要:Diffuser plate which has the function of scattering light is an important component of liquid crystal display (LCD). The common diffuser plates mainly divide into the type of surface with microstructure and internal particle scattering, whose essential properties are hazing and transmitting light. The diffuser plates with embedded quantum dots also feature color conversion and improve color rendering capabilities. Compared with the combination of a quantum dot enhancement film (QDEF) and a diffuser plate, the quantum dot diffuser plate (QD-DP) has the advantages of simpler preparation process, lower cost, and higher atomization ability, which is suitable for mini-LED backlight. This paper briefly summarizes the research progress of diffuser plate for liquid crystal display, and focuses on the preparation process and performance of a multi-layer QD-DP. In terms of stability, the prepared QD-DP can be stored for a long time in the environment of high temperature and high humidity (60 ℃/90%), and the lifetime (T95) exceeds 1 000 h under blue light irradiation (450 nm, 45 ℃/85%RH). Moreover, the luminance uniformity of QD-DP under 450 nm blue light irradiation is higher than 80%. The half-peak width of blue/green/red light is lower than 20 nm,25 nm,25 nm, respectively. The color gamut area reaches 99.58% of the DCI-P3 standard. In conclusion, QD-DP has excellent functions of color conversion and uniform light coupled with the characteristics of stable lifespan, which is expected to be widely used in large and medium-sized LCDs.  
      关键词:quantum dots;diffuser plate;backlight;LCD;Mini-LED   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 32200257 false
    • LI Zong-tao,LI Jie-xin,ZHENG Jia-long,LI Jia-sheng,JI Hong-lei,DING Xin-rui
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 319-341(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0361
      摘要:As a new nanomaterial, quantum dot (QD) has lots of advantages, including narrow emission linewidth, broad absorption spectra, high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and solution-processed characteristic and so on. Recently, integrating quantum dots (QDs) with LED chips to adjust the emission spectra is one of the most promising technique in display applications, successfully achieving a wide-color gamut over 120% NTSC by color conversion processes (the full width at half maximum of red, green, and blue spectra smaller than 20 nm). However, the application of quantum dots in high-performance display devices is severely limited by their poor luminous stability, low luminous efficiency, and full-color technology problems. How to solve these issues and achieve stable and efficient new quantum dot full-color display still needs further exploration. This paper reviews the research progress of quantum dot modification, quantum dot packaging method, quantum dot coating fluorescence enhancement strategy and quantum dot patterned display application at home and abroad, analyzes the progress of quantum dot LED devices from the aspects of packaging coating, fluorescence enhancement strategy and patterned quantum dot manufacturing method, and provides valuable information for the potential of quantum dot LED based display technology in the future.  
      关键词:quantum dots;LED;display technology;patterning   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 32316228 false
    • LIN Ji-dong,CHEN Da-qin
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 342-355(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0223
      摘要:With the improvement of people's living standards and social economy, the demand for the liquid crystal display with excellent color rendering and color reproduction has increased dramatically. However, the commercial use of the traditional rare-earth doped phosphor color converters can no longer meet the needs of wide color gamut display due to the wide emission full width at half maximum. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a new material to realize a wide color gamut display. Perovskite quantum dot glass is considered an ideal replacement for traditional phosphor transitions in backlit displays due to its excellent optical properties and superior stability, and has a wide range of applications in the display industry. This paper provides an overview of how perovskite quantum dot glass backlight structures can be applied and gives an overview of the current state of research and the challenges faced in developing perovskite quantum dot glass for backlight applications in recent years, and finally gives an outlook on it.  
      关键词:color reproduction;liquid crystal display;perovskite quantum dot glass;stability   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 35326196 false

      Image Processing

    • SONG Wei,LI Jia-jin,LIU Xiao-chen,LIU Zhi-xiang,SHI Shao-hua
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 356-367(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0220
      摘要:The no-reference IQA methods based on deep learning have problems of insufficient semantic relevance or high model training requirements. This paper proposes a no-reference IQA based on semantic visual feature tokens and Transformer (VTT-IQA). We firstly use a deep convolutional neural network to extract high-level semantic features of the image, and then map the semantic features to visual feature tokens. Subsequently, the relationship between visual feature tokens is modelled based on the Transformer self-attention mechanism to extract the global information. Meanwhile, a shallow neural network is used to extract the low-level local features of the image and capture its distortion information. Finally, the high-level semantic information and the low-level visual information are integrated to accurately predict the image quality. In order to verify the superiority and robustness of our proposed model, we compared our method with 15 traditional and deep learning based non-reference IQA methods on five mainstream IQA datasets and one underwater IQA dataset, using PLCC and SROCC as the performance evaluation metrics. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves superior performance with less parameters (about 1.56 MB). Especially, VTT-IQA achieves 0.958 of SROCC on LIVE-MD that contains multiply distorted images. It is proved that VTT-IQA can still accurately evaluate the image quality under complex distortion, and can meet the practical application.  
      关键词:image quality;No-reference quality assessment;Transformer;self-attention;Feature tokens   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28640862 false
    • YANG Yun,ZHOU Yao,CHEN Jia-ning
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 368-377(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0225
      摘要:To solve the problems of uneven distribution of hyperspectral image data, insufficient spatial-spectral feature extraction, and network degradation caused by the increase of network layers, a hyperspectral image classification algorithm based on multi-scale hybrid convolutional network is proposed. Firstly, principal component analysis is applied to reduce the dimension of hyperspectral data. Then, the neighborhood extraction is applied to take all pixels in the neighborhood as a sample to supplement the corresponding spatial information. Next, an improved multi-scale hybrid convolutional network is applied to extract features from the preprocessed sample data, and the mixed domain attention mechanism is added to enhance the useful information in the spatial and spectral dimensions. Finally, the Softmax classifier is used to classify each pixel sample. The proposed model is tested on hyperspectral datasets of Indian Pines and Pavia University. Experiments show that the overall classification accuracy, average classification accuracy and Kappa coefficient can reach 0.987 9, 0.983 3, 0.986 2 and 0.999 0, 0.996 9, 0.998 6, respectively. Compared with other classification methods, this algorithm can extract the feature information of hyperspectral images more fully, and achieves better classification results.  
      关键词:hyperspectral image;hybrid convolutional network;Multi-scale features;attention mechanism   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28979190 false
    • LIU Hao-xuan,LIN Shan-ling,LIN Zhi-xian,GUO Tai-liang,LIN Jian-pu
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 378-386(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0212
      摘要:Due to the absorption and scattering of underwater light, the underwater image suffers from distortion and loss of details, which seriously affects the detection and recognition of subsequent underwater target. In this paper, a lightweight fully convolutional layer generative adversarial neural network DUnet-GAN is proposed to enhance underwater image. According to the characteristics of underwater image, this paper proposes a multi-task objective function, which enables the model to enhance the image quality by perceiving the overall content, color, local texture and style information of the image. In addition, we compare DUnet-GAN with some important existing models and make a quantitative evaluation. The results show that in EUVP dataset, the PSNR of the proposed model is above 26 dB, the SSIM is 0.8, and the number of parameters is 11 MB, which is only 5% of the number of parameters of other models with the same performance and better than the FunIE-GAN with 26 MB parameters. Meanwhile, UIQM is 2.85, second only to Cycle-GAN model, and the enhancement effect is significant subjectively. More importantly, the enhanced image provides better performance for underwater target detection and other models, and also meets the lightweight requirements of models for equipment such as underwater robots.  
      关键词:Generative Adversarial Networks;image enhancement;Lightweight;Generator;object detection   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28979292 false
    • PENG Yan-fei,DENG Jia-nan,WANG Gang
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 387-396(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0207
      摘要:With the development of remote sensing technology, remote sensing images have been applied to a large number of fields such as remote sensing image recognition and segmentation detection. However, the problems of lack of remote sensing images, low quality and insufficient diversity hinder the performance improvement of remote sensing interpretation and other subsequent researches, and how to use a small amount of remote sensing images to generate a large number of datasets is an urgent problem at present. To address this problem, this paper combines a new pure convolutional network, ConvNeXt, with SinGAN network to build a remote sensing image data enhancement framework. Combined with ConvNeXt convolution network, the three image quality evaluation indexes of FID, SSIM and PSNR are increased by 5.7%, 6.2% and 8.2%, respectively, on the remote sensing dataset NWPU-RESISC45 Dataset after combining ConvNeXt convolutional network for data enhancement. The quality and diversity of the data enhanced images based on the improved SinGAN remote sensing image data enhancement method are better than the SinGAN algorithm and the traditional image enhancement method, which can be used in remote sensing interpretation, change detection and other fields in practice.  
      关键词:SinGAN;Data enhancements;Remote sensing images;ConvNeXt   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28640922 false
    • SHI Tian-tian,GUO Zhong-hua,YAN Xiang,WEI Shi-qin
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 397-408(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0232
      摘要:A multi-scale fusion attention module improved UNet network is proposed for the water body segmentation task of remote sensing images, A-MSFAM-UNet, which achieves end-to-end high-resolution remote sensing images in the GF-2 remote sensing image water body segmentation task. Firstly, aiming at insensitivity of local information caused by global pooling operation of previous attention module, a multi-scale fusion attention module (MSFAM) is designed, which uses point convolution to fuse channel global information and depthwise separable convolution. The loss of information caused by global pooling is made up. MSFAM is adopted to redistribute the weights of feature points after UNet skip connection to improve the efficiency of feature fusion and enhance network ability to obtain information at different scales. Secondly, the atrous convolution is applied to VGG16 backbone network to expand receptive field and aggregate global information without loss of resolution. The results show that A-MSFAM-UNet outperforms other channel attention (SENet, ECANet) improved UNet, and achieves mean intersection over union(MIoU)、mean pixel accruary(MPA) and accuracy(Acc) of 96.02%, 97.98% and 99.26% on the GF-2 water body segmentation dataset.  
      关键词:remote sensing image;Attention module;Depthwise separable convolution;feature fusion;atrous convolution   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28640788 false
    • DU Yan-ling,XU Xin,WANG Li-li,GAO Jing-xia,HUANG Dong-mei
      Vol. 38, Issue 3, Pages: 409-417(2023) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0218
      摘要:Aiming at the problem of low detection accuracy caused by small volume, dense distribution and complex background of aircraft targets in the color remote sensing images, an improved aircraft target detection algorithm in any direction of the color remote sensing images based on anchor-free is proposed. Using BBAVectors as the benchmark model and ResNet50 as the backbone network for feature extraction. after the feature pyramid network (FPN), a top-down path augmentation network (PANet) module is added to shorten the information path and enhance the feature pyramid with low-level accurate location information. Secondly, the attention mechanism convolutional block attention module(CBAM) is introduced to improve the accuracy of aircraft target detection in complex environment by suppressing the noise and highlighting target characteristics. Ablation experiments and comparative experiments are conducted on DOTA data sets, and DOTA_ Devkit is used to cut the data set by 0.5 and 1 times respectively to improve the detection accuracy of the model. The detection accuracy of the improved model on the color remote sensing image test data set reaches 90.35%. Compared with the original model, the detection accuracy is improved by 0.82%. The experimental results show that this method has better detection effect in the aircraft detection task in color remote sensing images.  
      关键词:aircraft target detection;in any direction;anchor free;path augmentation;attention mechanism   
      <引用本文> <批量引用> 28640822 false