1.哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080
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Sheng-tian SANG, Yu-yang SU, Lei XIA, et al. Moire simulation and analysis on non-rectangular sub-pixel metal mesh touch screen. [J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays 37(10):1302-1309(2022)
Sheng-tian SANG, Yu-yang SU, Lei XIA, et al. Moire simulation and analysis on non-rectangular sub-pixel metal mesh touch screen. [J]. Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays 37(10):1302-1309(2022) DOI: 10.37188/CJLCD.2022-0197.
在利用计算液晶显示器子像素透过率矩阵来仿真和分析金属网格触控屏上产生的莫尔纹时,如果液晶显示器的子像素形状为不标准的非矩形形状,则会因为存在较大的形状误差而出现算法预测结果的准确度偏低的问题。为了解决该问题,提高算法预测结果的可靠性,本文针对一种具有特定形状的非矩形子像素液晶显示触控屏,通过改进子像素形状的生成算法,利用计算机模拟生成更加接近真实形状的子像素形状图形并扫描计算其透过率矩阵,再将得到的莫尔纹仿真图案在频域进行邻域滤波和低通滤波等处理得到反映莫尔纹可见度的特征频率,生成了以金属网格参数作为自变量的莫尔纹可见度预测表,并结合实验得到的判断频率来给出莫尔纹可见度的预测结果。实验结果表明,以2 lp·mm,-1,作为判断频率时,改进后算法的整体匹配率从76.4%提高到79.5%,可用的匹配率从67.57%提高到84.51%,算法的准确度和可靠性得到了显著的提高,能够为金属网格触控屏的生产厂家提供更可靠的预测结果。
When the moire pattern on the metal grid touch screen is simulated and analyzed by the sub-pixel transmittance calculating matrix of LCD, if the sub-pixel shape of LCD is non-standard non rectangular shape, the accuracy of algorithm prediction results will be low because of the large shape error. In order to solve this problem and provide the reliability of algorithm prediction results, this paper aims at a non rectangular sub-pixel LCD touch screen with specific shape, by improving the generation algorithm of sub-pixel shape, the computer simulation is used to generate sub-pixel shape graphics closer to the real shape, scan and calculate its transmittance matrix. Then, the obtained moire simulation pattern is processed by neighborhood filtering and low-pass filtering in the frequency domain to obtain the characteristic frequency reflecting the moire visibility. A moire visibility prediction table with metal mesh parameters as independent variables is generated, and the prediction results of moire visibility are given in combination with the judgment frequency obtained from the experiment. The experimental results show that when 2 lp·mm,-1, is used as the judgment frequency, the overall matching rate of the improved algorithm is increased from 76.4% to 79.5%, and the available matching rate is increased from 67.57% to 84.51%. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm are significantly improved, which can provide more reliable prediction results for the manufacturers of metal grid touch screen.
moire patternliquid crystal displaymetal mesh touch screenFourier transformation
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